Céntimos de las Islas Cook

Filtrosresultados: 255
El país
Peso (gramos.)
Diámetro (mm.)
Precio (dólares estadounidenses)
Fundar 255 monedas
Cook Islands Cent Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 1 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1972 coin obverse
Cook Islands Cent Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 1 1 JB coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 1 Centavo


Año 1972 - 1983

Valor$0.1 - $1.25

Cook Islands 2 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 2 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1972 coin obverse
Cook Islands 2 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 2 2 JB FM coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 2 Centavos


Año 1972 - 1983

Valor$0.1 - $1

Cook Islands 5 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 3 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1974 coin obverse
Cook Islands 5 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 3 5 JB coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 5 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 1972 - 1983

Valor$0.1 - $1.25

Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America - State of McDonald) 2020 25 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II E PLURIBUS UNUM LOST STATES OF AMERICA coin obverse
Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America - State of McDonald) 1961 STATE OF MCDONALD coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 25 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 2020

Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America - State of Deseret) 2020 25 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II E PLURIBUS UNUM LOST STATES OF AMERICA coin obverse
Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America - State of Deseret) 1849 BRIGHAM YOUNG STATE OF DESERET coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 25 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 2020

Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America. State of Franklin) 2020 25 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II E PLURIBUS UNUM LOST STATES OF AMERICA coin obverse
Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America. State of Franklin) 1784 BEN FRANKLIN STATE OF FRANKLIN coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 25 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 2020

Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America. State of Jacinto) 2020 25 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II E PLURIBUS UNUM LOST STATES OF AMERICA coin obverse
Cook Islands 25 Cents (Lost States of America. State of Jacinto) 1860 SAM HOUSTON STATE OF JACINTO coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 25 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 2020

Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1973 KM# 6.1 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1973 coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1973 KM# 6.1 50 JB FM coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 50 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 1972 - 1983

Valor$0.65 - $5

Cook Islands 10 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1983 KM# 4 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1983 coin obverse
Cook Islands 10 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1983 KM# 4 10 JB FM coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 10 Centavos

MetalNíquel de cobre

Año 1972 - 1983

Valor$0.1 - $1.5

Cook Islands Fifty Cents (Australian Colonial Coinage - One Penny 1930 replica) RDM ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS FIFTY CENTS 2007 coin obverse
Cook Islands Fifty Cents (Australian Colonial Coinage - One Penny 1930 replica) ONE PENNY COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 1930 coin reverse

El país Islas Cook

Denominación 50 Centavos


Año 2007

Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Reform Coinage 1969 - 1979 KM# 44a
El país Finlandia
Año 1969 - 1979
Valor $0.2 - $2
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage 5 PENNIÄ coin reverse
Moneda de reforma de 5 peniques 1977 - 1990 KM# 45a
El país Finlandia
Año 1977 - 1990
Valor $0.15 - $1
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Moneda decimal Penni 1919 - 1924 KM# 23
El país Finlandia
Año 1919 - 1924
Valor $0.25 - $4
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
Moneda de reforma de 10 penias 1983 - 1990 KM# 46a
El país Finlandia
Año 1983 - 1990
Valor $0.1 - $1
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage 25 PENNIÄ coin reverse
Moneda decimal de 25 penias 1943 - 1945 KM# 25b
El país Finlandia
Año 1943 - 1945
Valor $0.15 - $12
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
10 Pennia "Hoyo central" 1943 - 1945 KM# 34.1
El país Finlandia
Año 1943 - 1945
Valor $0.1 - $10