Belgian Leopold I 10 Centimes coins

Filtersresults: 7
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 7 coins
Belgium 10 Centimes Leopold I 1862 KM# 22 L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE BRAEMT 1862 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes Leopold I 1862 KM# 22 LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES 10 CENTIMES coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes


Year 1861 - 1864

Value$0.1 - $80

Belgium 10 Centimes 1848 KM# 2.1 Decimal Coinage LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES 1848 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes 1848 KM# 2.1 Decimal Coinage L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE CONSTITUTION BELGE 1831 10 CENTS BRAEMT F. coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes


Orientation Coin ↑↓

Year 1832 - 1856

Value$9 - $10K

Belgium 10 Centimes (Marriage of The Duke) X# 1.1 LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES 1853 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes (Marriage of The Duke) X# 1.1 L.L. PH. M.V. DUC DE BRABANT M. H. A. DUCHESSE DE BRABANT 21-22 AOUT LEO. WIENER coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes

Metal Copper

Note Large Date

Year 1853

Belgium 10 Centimes (Leopold I Marriage of The Duke) X# 1.2 LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES 1853 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes (Leopold I Marriage of The Duke) X# 1.2 L.L. PH. M.V. DUC DE BRABANT M. H. A. DUCHESSE DE BRABANT 21-22 AOUT LEO. WIENER coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes

Metal Copper

Note Small Date

Year 1853

Value$18 - $125

Belgium 10 Centimes 1832 KM# 2.2 Decimal Coinage LEOPOLD PREMIER ROI DES BELGES 1932 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes 1832 KM# 2.2 Decimal Coinage 10 CENTS BRAEMT F. CONSTITUTION BELGE 1831 L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes


Orientation Medal ↑↑

Year 1832 - 1855

Value$75 - $1.4K

Belgium 10 Centimes Leopold I 1859 KM# Pn53 L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE CONSTITUTION BELGE 1831 BELGIQUE 1859 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes Leopold I 1859 KM# Pn53 ESSAI MONETAIRE 10 CENTIMES coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes

MetalNickel plated Copper

Year 1859

Belgium 10 Centimes Pattern. Error ND (1853)  L.L. PH. M.V. DUC DE BRABANT M. H. A. DUCHESSE DE BRABANT 21-22 AOUT 1853 coin obverse
Belgium 10 Centimes Pattern. Error ND (1853)  L.L. PH. M.V. DUC DE BRABANT M. H. A. DUCHESSE DE BRABANT 21-22 AOUT 1853 coin reverse

Country Belgium

Denomination 10 Centimes

Metal Gold

Note Pattern. Error

Year 1853

Mexico 1 Peso (Maximiliano I) IMPERIO MEXICANO 1865 coin reverse
Gold 1 Peso "Maximiliano I" 1949
Country Mexico
Year 1949
Mexico 1/4 Real Rampant Lion. Charles IV 1797 KM# 62 coin obverse
Mexico 1/4 Real Rampant Lion. Charles IV 1797 KM# 62 MO 1/4 1813 coin reverse
Silver 1/4 Real "Rampant Lion. Charles IV" 1796 - 1816 KM# 62
Country Mexico
Year 1796 - 1816
Value $10 - $200
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1843 CA RG KM# 368 CA RG coin obverse
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1843 CA RG KM# 368 REPUBLICA MEXICANA 1/4 1843 coin reverse
Silver 1/4 Real "Libertad" 1843 KM# 368
Country Mexico
Year 1843
Value $75 - $2K
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1843 Do KM# 368.2 REPUBLICA MEXICANA 1/4 1843 coin obverse
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1843 Do KM# 368.2 DO LR coin reverse
Silver 1/4 Real "Libertad" 1842 - 1843 KM# 368.2
Country Mexico
Year 1842 - 1843
Value $12 - $1K
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1842 Ga JG KM# 368.3 GA JG coin reverse
Mexico 1/4 Real Libertad 1842 Ga JG KM# 368.3 REPUBLICA MEXICANA 1/4 1842 coin obverse
Silver 1/4 Real "Libertad" 1842 - 1862 KM# 368.3
Country Mexico
Year 1842 - 1862
Value $3 - $1K