Pedro (Peter II of Portugal) coins (Brazil)

Filtersresults: 36
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 36 coins
Brazil 640 Reis (Pedro II Pattern) PETRVS. II. D. G. PORTVG. REXD. BR. 640 1695 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis (Pedro II Pattern) TERRAS. CRVCIS. SVBILL. VICTRIX 1695 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)


Year 1695

Brazil 4000 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 86 PETRVS. II. DG. PORTVG. REX. 4000 coin obverse
Brazil 4000 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 86 ET. BRASILIAE. DOMINVS. ANNO 1695 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 4000 Reals (Reis)


Year 1695

Value$450 - $2.85K

Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 83.1 PETRVS. II. DG. PORT. REX. ET. BRAS. D. 16 95 640 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 83.1 SVBQ. SIGN. NATA. STAB. coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)

Reverse Globe on crossWith punctuation


Year 1695

Value$75 - $450

Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 83.2 PETRVS II D G PORT REX ET BRAS D 16 95 640 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 83.2 STAB. SVBQ SIGN NATA coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)

Reverse Without punctuationWithout punctuation


Year 1695

Value$120 - $950

Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 84 PETRVS II D G PORT REX ET BRAS D 16 95 640 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1695 KM# 84 SVBQ. SIGN. NATA STAB. coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)


Year 1695 - 1698

Value$45 - $575

Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1699 KM# 90.1 PETRVS II DG PORT REX ET BRAS D 16 99 640 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1699 KM# 90.1 SVBQ. SIGN. NATA STAB. coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)

Reverse Globe over crossWithout mint mark


Year 1699 - 1700

Value$45 - $375

Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1701 P KM# 90.2 PETRVS II D G PORT REX ET BRAS D 17 00 640 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Peter II 1701 P KM# 90.2 SVBQ SIGN. NATA STAB. P coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)

Reverse Globe on cross, thick, curved parallelsMint mark P


Year 1700 - 1702

Value$35 - $1.4K

Brazil 1000 Reis Peter II 1700 KM# 96 PETRVS.II.DG.PORTVG.REX 1000 coin obverse
Brazil 1000 Reis Peter II 1700 KM# 96 ET.BRASILIAE.DOMINVS.ANO.1700 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 1000 Reals (Reis)


Year 1699 - 1700

Value$100 - $1K

Brazil 2000 Reis Peter II 1696 KM# 88 PETRVS.II.DG.PORTVG.REX. 2000 coin obverse
Brazil 2000 Reis Peter II 1696 KM# 88 ET. BRASILIAE. DOMINVS. ANNO. 1696 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2000 Reals (Reis)


Year 1696 - 1697

Value$1K - $3.5K

Brazil 2000 Reis Peter II 1699 KM# 97 PETRVS.II.DG.PORTVG.REX 2000 coin obverse
Brazil 2000 Reis Peter II 1699 KM# 97 ET.BRASILIAE.DOMINVS.ANNO.1699 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2000 Reals (Reis)


Year 1699 - 1700

Value$200 - $1.85K

Lithuania 10 Litu A. Smetona 1938 KM# Pn14 DVIDEŠIMT METŲ NEPRIKLAUSOMYBES XX LIETUVA 1918-1938 coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu A. Smetona 1938 KM# Pn14 VALSTYBES PREZIDENTAS A. SMETONA 10 LITU 10 coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "A. Smetona" 1938 KM# Pn14
Country Lithuania
Year 1938
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Fine Arts 2012 Proof KM# 179 LIETUVA 2012 10 LITŲ LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Fine Arts 2012 Proof KM# 179 coin reverse
Silver 10 Litu "Dedicated to Fine Arts" 2012 KM# 179
Country Lithuania
Year 2012
Value $4 - $50
Lithuania 20 Euro 25 years of Independence 2015 Proof KM# 215 LIETUVA 20 € 2015 coin obverse
Lithuania 20 Euro 25 years of Independence 2015 Proof KM# 215 NEPRIKLAUSOMYBES ATKURIMAS 25 coin reverse
Silver 20 Euro "25 years of Independence" 2015 KM# 215
Country Lithuania
Year 2015
Value $7 - $80
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Klaipeda 2002 Proof KM# 131 LIETUVA 10 LITŲ 2002 LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Klaipeda 2002 Proof KM# 131 KLAIPÄ–DA coin reverse
10 Litu "Dedicated to Klaipeda" 2002 KM# 131
Country Lithuania
Year 2002
Value $2 - $35
Lithuania 50 Litu European Basketball Championship 2011 Proof KM# 176 LIETUVA 50 LITŲ LMK 2011 coin obverse
Lithuania 50 Litu European Basketball Championship 2011 Proof KM# 176 2011 EUROPOS KREPÅ INIO ÄŒEMPIONATAS coin reverse
Gold 50 Litu "European Basketball Championship" 2011 KM# 176
Country Lithuania
Year 2011
Value $2 - $285
Lithuania 50 Litu Vilnius Upper Castle 2011 Proof KM# 219 LIETUVA 2011 LMK 50 LITŲ coin obverse
Lithuania 50 Litu Vilnius Upper Castle 2011 Proof KM# 219 VILNIAUS AUKÅ TUTINÄ– PILIS coin reverse
Silver 50 Litu "Vilnius Upper Castle" 2011 KM# 219
Country Lithuania
Year 2011
Value $6 - $75