Bulgarian 10 Leva 2007 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 3
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 3 coins
Bulgaria 10 Leva Boris Christov 2007 Proof KM# 292 БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА 10 ЛЕВА 2007 coin obverse
Bulgaria 10 Leva Boris Christov 2007 Proof KM# 292 ИМЕНИТИ БЪЛГАРСКИ ГЛАСОВЕ БОРИС ХРИСТОВ coin reverse

Country Bulgaria

Denomination 10 Leva


Year 2007

Value$42 - $45

Bulgaria 10 Leva Pegasus from Vazovo 2007 Proof KM# 297 БЪΛΓΑΡСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА 1879 10 ΛΕВА 2007 coin obverse
Bulgaria 10 Leva Pegasus from Vazovo 2007 Proof KM# 297 СЪКРОВИЩАТА НА БЪΛΓΑΡИЯ ΒΑЗОВО coin reverse

Country Bulgaria

Denomination 10 Leva

MetalSilver (Partially gold plated)

Year 2007


Bulgaria 10 Leva Pirin Mountain 2007 Proof KM# 295 БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА 2007 10 ЛЕВА coin obverse
Bulgaria 10 Leva Pirin Mountain 2007 Proof KM# 295 БЪЛГАРСКАТА ПЛАНИНА ПИРИН coin reverse

Country Bulgaria

Denomination 10 Leva


Year 2007

Value$35 - $40

Lithuania 10 Litu A. Smetona 1938 KM# Pn14 DVIDEŠIMT METŲ NEPRIKLAUSOMYBES XX LIETUVA 1918-1938 coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu A. Smetona 1938 KM# Pn14 VALSTYBES PREZIDENTAS A. SMETONA 10 LITU 10 coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "A. Smetona" 1938 KM# Pn14
Country Lithuania
Year 1938
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Fine Arts 2012 Proof KM# 179 LIETUVA 2012 10 LITŲ LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Fine Arts 2012 Proof KM# 179 coin reverse
Silver 10 Litu "Dedicated to Fine Arts" 2012 KM# 179
Country Lithuania
Year 2012
Value $4 - $50
Lithuania 20 Euro 25 years of Independence 2015 Proof KM# 215 LIETUVA 20 € 2015 coin obverse
Lithuania 20 Euro 25 years of Independence 2015 Proof KM# 215 NEPRIKLAUSOMYBES ATKURIMAS 25 coin reverse
Silver 20 Euro "25 years of Independence" 2015 KM# 215
Country Lithuania
Year 2015
Value $7 - $80
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Klaipeda 2002 Proof KM# 131 LIETUVA 10 LITŲ 2002 LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Dedicated to Klaipeda 2002 Proof KM# 131 KLAIPĖDA coin reverse
10 Litu "Dedicated to Klaipeda" 2002 KM# 131
Country Lithuania
Year 2002
Value $2 - $35
Lithuania 50 Litu European Basketball Championship 2011 Proof KM# 176 LIETUVA 50 LITŲ LMK 2011 coin obverse
Lithuania 50 Litu European Basketball Championship 2011 Proof KM# 176 2011 EUROPOS KREPŠINIO ČEMPIONATAS coin reverse
Gold 50 Litu "European Basketball Championship" 2011 KM# 176
Country Lithuania
Year 2011
Value $2 - $285
Lithuania 50 Litu Vilnius Upper Castle 2011 Proof KM# 219 LIETUVA 2011 LMK 50 LITŲ coin obverse
Lithuania 50 Litu Vilnius Upper Castle 2011 Proof KM# 219 VILNIAUS AUKŠTUTINĖ PILIS coin reverse
Silver 50 Litu "Vilnius Upper Castle" 2011 KM# 219
Country Lithuania
Year 2011
Value $6 - $75