Cook Islands Gold plated Iron coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 8
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 8 coins
Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II Golden Snitch 2021  Prooflike ELIZABETH II 2021 COOK ISLANDS IRB 50 CENTS coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II Golden Snitch 2021  Prooflike TM & © WBEI (S21) HARRY POTTER TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents (Flower Fairies) 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents (Flower Fairies) FLOWER FAIRIES TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Slytherin) 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II © & TM WBEI (S21) coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Slytherin) SLYTHERIN TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Hufflepuff) 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II © & TM WBEI (S21) coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Hufflepuff) HUFFLEPUFF TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Ravenclaw) 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II © & TM WBEI (S21) coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Ravenclaw) RAVENCLAW TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Gryffindor) 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II © & TM WBEI (S21) coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents (Hogwarts House Banners - Gryffindor) GRYFFINDOR TM coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents 70th Anniversary - Alice in Wonderland. Do You Play Croquet? 2021 Proof 2021 50 CENTS COOK ISLANDS ELIZABETH II coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents 70th Anniversary - Alice in Wonderland. Do You Play Croquet? 2021 Proof ALICE IN WONDERLAND 1951 - 2021 DISNEY ©DISNEY coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron

Year 2021

Cook Islands 50 Cents Beauty & The Beast 30th Anniversary. Enchanted Rose 2021 IRB ELIZABETH II 2021 COOK ISLANDS 50 CENTS coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents Beauty & The Beast 30th Anniversary. Enchanted Rose 2021 A TALE AS OLD AS A TIME coin reverse

Country Cook Islands

Denomination 50 Cents

MetalGold plated Iron (Coloured)

Year 2021

Vanuatu 10000 Vatu 1st Anniversary of Independence 1981 KM# 2 30TH JULY 1981 TO COMMEMORATE THE 1ST. ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE VANUATU coin obverse
Vanuatu 10000 Vatu 1st Anniversary of Independence 1981 KM# 2 DIX MILLE VATU 10.000 BIRGUS LATRO 1981 coin reverse
Gold 10000 Vatu "1st Anniversary of Independence" 1981 KM# 2
Country Vanuatu
Year 1981
Value $1.75K - $2K
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Kingfisher 1994 Proof KM# 23 RIPABLIK 1994 BLONG VANUATU LONG GOD YUMI STANAP coin obverse
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Kingfisher 1994 Proof KM# 23 ENDANGERED WILDLIFE 100 VATU coin reverse
Gold 100 Vatu "Kingfisher" 1994 KM# 23
Country Vanuatu
Year 1994
Value $250 - $290
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Birth of Prince William 1997 Proof KM# 39 RIPABLIK 1997 BLONG VANUATU LONG GOD YUMI STANAP coin obverse
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Birth of Prince William 1997 Proof KM# 39 QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER THE BIRTH OF GREAT-GRANDSON WILLIAM 1982 100 VATU coin reverse
Gold 100 Vatu "Birth of Prince William" 1997 KM# 39
Country Vanuatu
Year 1997
Value $225 - $275
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Raccoon Family 2013 Proof, Matte KM# 91 LONG GOD YUMI STANAP 100 VATU RIPABLIK BLONG VANUATU coin obverse
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Raccoon Family 2013 Proof, Matte KM# 91 RACCOON 2013 coin reverse
2 Oz Silver 100 Vatu "Raccoon Family" 2013 KM# 91
Country Vanuatu
Year 2013
Value $185 - $200
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Coronation of KIng George V 1995 Proof KM# 27 1995 RIPABLIK BLONG VANUATU LONG GOD YUMI STANAP coin obverse
Vanuatu 100 Vatu Coronation of KIng George V 1995 Proof KM# 27 QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER THE OFFICIAL CORONATION PORTRAIT 100 VATU coin reverse
Silver 100 Vatu "Coronation of KIng George V" 1995 KM# 27
Country Vanuatu
Year 1995
Value $100 - $145