French 1 Florin 1624 coins

Filtersresults: 4
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 4 coins
France Florin Anne Marie Louise de Orleans ND KM# 40 ON D III ERB... coin obverse
France Florin Anne Marie Louise de Orleans ND KM# 40 MONETA AVME AC... coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 1 Florin


Year 1601 - 1637

Value$500 - $2.75K

France 1 Florin (Guldenthaler) (Henry II. Duchy of Lorraine) KM# 20 HENRI DG DV X LOTH MARCH D C B G coin obverse
France 1 Florin (Guldenthaler) (Henry II. Duchy of Lorraine) KM# 20 MONETA AVREA NANCEII coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 1 Florin


Year 1608 - 1624

France 1 Florin (City of Metz) KM# 12 FLORENVS. CIVITIS. METENSIS. coin obverse
France 1 Florin (City of Metz) KM# 12 S. STEPHA. PROTHOM. coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 1 Florin


Year 1563 - 1631

France 1 Florin (Guilder) (Charles IV and Nicole of Lorraine) CAR ET NIC D G DVC LOTH MARC D C B G coin obverse
France 1 Florin (Guilder) (Charles IV and Nicole of Lorraine) MONETA AVREA NANCEI coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 1 Florin


Year 1624 - 1625

Spain 1/2 Maravedi (Philip IV) KM# 103 1631 coin obverse
Spain 1/2 Maravedi (Philip IV) KM# 103 B A coin reverse
1/2 Maravedi "Philip IV" 1631 KM# 103
Country Spain
Year 1631
Value $205 - $1.5K
Spain 60 Centimos (Allegory) 60 CTS CORREOS REPUBLICA ESPAÑOLA coin obverse
Spain 60 Centimos (Allegory) PLUS ULTRA coin reverse
60 Centimos "Allegory" 1938
Country Spain
Year 1938
Spain 60 Centimos Spain 60 CENTIMOS 60 ESPECIAL MOVIL coin obverse
Spain 60 Centimos Spain PLUS ULTRA coin reverse
60 Centimos Spain 1938
Country Spain
Year 1938