French 2 Louis D'or 1748 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 14
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 14 coins
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1748 BB KM# 519.4 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1748 BB KM# 519.4 B CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1743 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark BB


Year 1743 - 1762

Value$600 - $2.5K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1754 Cow KM# 522 LUD XV D G FR ET NA RE BD coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1754 Cow KM# 522 CHRS REGN VINC IMPER 1754 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Mint mark Cow


Note Obv. Lettering: ....RE.BD

Year 1745 - 1769

Value$600 - $6.7K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1764 K KM# 519.9 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1764 K KM# 519.9 K CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1764 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark K


Year 1744 - 1768

Value$600 - $3.5K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1745 L KM# 519.10 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1745 L KM# 519.10 L CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1745 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark L


Year 1742 - 1763

Value$600 - $3.5K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1766 R KM# 519.15 LUD. XV. D. G. FR. ET NAV. REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1766 R KM# 519.15 R CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1766 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint Mark R


Year 1742 - 1768

Value$600 - $4.5K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1744 T KM# 519.16 LUD. XV. D. G. FR. ET NAV. REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1744 T KM# 519.16 T CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1744 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark T


Year 1742 - 1770

Value$600 - $4.75K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1759 D KM# 519.5 LVD. XV. D. G. FR. ET NAV. REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1759 D KM# 519.5 CHRS.REGN.VINC.IMPER.1759 D coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark D


Year 1743 - 1770

Value$600 - $11K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1743 Z KM# 519.20 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX R.FIL coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1743 Z KM# 519.20 Z CHRS REGN VINC IMPER 1743 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark Z


Year 1742 - 1758

Value$600 - $6K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1760 M KM# 519.11 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1760 M KM# 519.11 M CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1760 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint Mark M


Year 1743 - 1774

Value$600 - $4K

France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1753 AA KM# 519.2 LUD XV D G FR ET NAV REX coin obverse
France 2 Louis D'or Louis XV 1753 AA KM# 519.2 AA CHRS REGN VINC IMPE 1753 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 2 Louis D'or

Reverse Crown above arms of France and NavarreMint mark AA


Year 1744 - 1757

Value$600 - $3.5K

Malta 4 Tari Martin Garzez ND (1595-1601)  F MARTINVS GARZES MAG HOSP H coin obverse
Malta 4 Tari Martin Garzez ND (1595-1601)  PROPTER VERITATEM ET IVSTITIAM coin reverse
Silver 4 Tari "Martin Garzez" 1595 - 1601
Country Malta
Year 1595 - 1601
Malta Zecchino Alof de Wignacourt (1601-1622) KM# 16 F∙ALOPIVS∙DE WIGNACOVRT coin obverse
Malta Zecchino Alof de Wignacourt (1601-1622) KM# 16 DAHIHI∙VIRTVI CON∙RA∙HOSTES∙T∙ coin reverse
Gold Zecchino "Alof de Wignacourt" 1601 - 1622 KM# 16
Country Malta
Year 1601 - 1622
Value $350 - $2.25K
Malta Grano Alof de Wignacourt ND KM# 9 + F∙MARTINVS GARZES MA coin obverse
Malta Grano Alof de Wignacourt ND KM# 9 M + F ∙ ALOFIVS ∙ DE ∙ WIGNA COVRT ∙ coin reverse
Grano "Alof de Wignacourt" 1601 - 1622 KM# 9
Country Malta
Year 1601 - 1622
Value $60 - $450
Malta 10 Grani Alof de Wignacourt (1601-1622) KM# 12 F ALOFIVS DE WIGNACOVRT M coin obverse
Malta 10 Grani Alof de Wignacourt (1601-1622) KM# 12 S IOAN BAP ORA PRONOBIS coin reverse
Silver 10 Grani "Alof de Wignacourt" 1601 - 1622 KM# 12
Country Malta
Year 1601 - 1622
Value $75 - $650
Malta 3 Piccioli Alof de Wignacourt (1602-1622) KM# 8 F ALOFIVS D WIGNACOV coin obverse
Malta 3 Piccioli Alof de Wignacourt (1602-1622) KM# 8 HOSPITALI HIERVSA 3 coin reverse
3 Piccioli "Alof de Wignacourt" 1602 - 1622 KM# 8
Country Malta
Year 1602 - 1622
Value $90 - $450
Malta V Grani Alof de Wignacourt (1602-1622) KM# 11 F ALOFIVS D WIGNACOVRT M H coin obverse
Malta V Grani Alof de Wignacourt (1602-1622) KM# 11 S IO B ORA PRO NOBIS coin reverse
Silver V Grani "Alof de Wignacourt" 1602 - 1622 KM# 11
Country Malta
Year 1602 - 1622
Value $120 - $650