French 5 Centimes 1917 coins

Filtersresults: 122
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 122 coins
France 5 Centimes Marianne 1901 KM# 842 REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE DANIEL-DUPUIS coin obverse
France 5 Centimes Marianne 1901 KM# 842 LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 5 C DANIEL-DUPUIS 1907 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1897 - 1921

Value$0.25 - $1.3K

France 5 Centimes Phrygian Cap 1917 KM# 865a R F EM.LINDAUER coin obverse
France 5 Centimes Phrygian Cap 1917 KM# 865a LIBERTÉ ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 5 CMES 1918 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917 - 1920

Value$0.5 - $40

France 5 Centimes (Pharmacy of Doctor Ferret. Albi) THEVENON PHARMACIE DU DOCTEUR FERRET ALBI coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Pharmacy of Doctor Ferret. Albi) 5 C REMBOURSABLE À PRÉSENTATION coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

France 5 Centimes (Commune of Perpignan) PERPIGNAN 1917 coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Commune of Perpignan) CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DES COMMERÇANTS 5 CENT. coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes

Metal Aluminum

Year 1917 - 1924

France 5 Centimes Commune of Perpignan. Essai 1924 PERPIGNAN 1924 coin obverse
France 5 Centimes Commune of Perpignan. Essai 1924 CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DES COMMERÇANTS 5 CENT. coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes

Metal Brass

Year 1917 - 1924

France 5 Centimes (Commune of Perpignan. Mess) 53 E. DES SOUS-OFFICIERS MESS coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Commune of Perpignan. Mess) 5 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

France 5 Centimes (Military Cooperative. Commune of Perpignan) 5 C COOPÉRATIVE MILITAIRE PERPIGNAN coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Military Cooperative. Commune of Perpignan) 5 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

France 5 Centimes (Post Office Cafe.Commune of Perpignan) 5 C CAFÉ DE LA POSTE coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Post Office Cafe.Commune of Perpignan) 5 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

France 5 Centimes (Cinema Castillet. Commune of Perpignan) CINÉMA CASTILLET J. FONT PERPIGNAN coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Cinema Castillet. Commune of Perpignan) BON POUR 1917-1921 5 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

France 5 Centimes (Eastern Consumer Society. Epernay) 5 CENTIMES BON POUR SOCIETÉ DE CONSOMMATION DE L'EST EPERNAY coin obverse
France 5 Centimes (Eastern Consumer Society. Epernay) 5 CENTIMES BON POUR SOCIETÉ FONDÉE EN 1881 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 5 Centimes


Year 1917

Australia 1 Cent Glider 1972 Proof KM# 62 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* coin obverse
Australia 1 Cent Glider 1972 Proof KM# 62 1 SD coin reverse
1 Cent "Glider" 1966 - 1984 KM# 62
Country Australia
Year 1966 - 1984
Value $1 - $18
Australia 2 Cents Frilled-Neck Lizard 1966 Proof KM# 63 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* coin obverse
Australia 2 Cents Frilled-Neck Lizard 1966 Proof KM# 63 2 SD coin reverse
2 Cents "Frilled-Neck Lizard" 1966 - 1984 KM# 63
Country Australia
Year 1966 - 1984
Value $1 - $60
Australia 5 Cents Echidna 1977 KM# 64 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* coin obverse
Australia 5 Cents Echidna 1977 KM# 64 5 SD coin reverse
5 Cents "Echidna" 1966 - 1984 KM# 64
Country Australia
Year 1966 - 1984
Value $1 - $20
Australia 20 Cents Platypus 1974 Proof KM# 66 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* coin obverse
Australia 20 Cents Platypus 1974 Proof KM# 66 20 SD coin reverse
20 Cents "Platypus" 1966 - 1984 KM# 66
Country Australia
Year 1966 - 1984
Value $1 - $850
Australia 10 Cents Lyrebird 2019 KM# 65 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* coin obverse
Australia 10 Cents Lyrebird 2019 KM# 65 10 SD coin reverse
10 Cents "Lyrebird" 1966 - 2019 KM# 65
Country Australia
Year 1966 - 2019
Value $1 - $11
Australia 100c Swan 1967 X# M2 AUSTRALIA 1967 coin obverse
Australia 100c Swan 1967 X# M2 100 coin reverse
Silver 100c "Swan" 1967 X# M2
Country Australia
Year 1967