French 50 Centimes 1916 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 11
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 11 coins
France 50 Centimes The Sower 1911 KM# 854 REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE O.ROTY coin obverse
France 50 Centimes The Sower 1911 KM# 854 50 CENTIMES 1919 LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1897 - 1920

Value$1.2 - $450

France 50 Centimes KM# 45 Guadeloupe RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE A . PATEY GUADELOUPE ET DÉPENDANCES coin obverse
France 50 Centimes KM# 45 Guadeloupe BON POUR 50 CMES 1921 CONTRE.VALEUR.DÉPOSÉE.AU.TRÉSOR. coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1903 - 1921

France 50 Centimes KM# 40 Martinique RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE COLONIE DE LA MARTINIQUE coin obverse
France 50 Centimes KM# 40 Martinique CONTRE-VALEUR DÉPOSÉE AU TRÉSOR BON POUR 50 CENT 1897 A. BORREL coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1897 - 1922

France 50 Centimes (Commune of Yerres) MAIRIE D'YERRES (S. ET O) coin obverse
France 50 Centimes (Commune of Yerres) 50 GP coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1914 - 1921

France 50 Centimes Commune Thaon-les-Vosges 1916 ND SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE DE THAON LES VOSGES coin obverse
France 50 Centimes Commune Thaon-les-Vosges 1916 ND BOUCHERIE 50 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

France 50 Centimes Commune Thaon-les-Vosges. Cooperative Society 1916 ND SOCIÉTÉ COOPÉRATIVE DE THAON LES VOSGES coin obverse
France 50 Centimes Commune Thaon-les-Vosges. Cooperative Society 1916 ND 50 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

France 50 Centimes Castres. DPA Cooperative Restaurant 1916 ND D.P.A RESTAURANT COOPERATIF CASTRES coin obverse
France 50 Centimes Castres. DPA Cooperative Restaurant 1916 ND 50 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

France 50 Centimes Annonay. La Laborieuse 1916 ND LA LABOURIEUSE SICIÉTÉ COOPERATIVE 50 C ANNONAY coin obverse
France 50 Centimes Annonay. La Laborieuse 1916 ND  coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

France 50 Centimes (Le Havre. Trefileries et Laminoirs) TRÉFILERIES ET LAMINOIRS DE HAVRE TH coin obverse
France 50 Centimes (Le Havre. Trefileries et Laminoirs) 50 C coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

France 50 Centimes (Carpentras. The Ant) LA FOURMI CARPENTRAS coin obverse
France 50 Centimes (Carpentras. The Ant) 50 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 50 Centimes


Year 1916

Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 LIETUVA 10 LITŲ LMK 2007 coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 SECTIO AUREA coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama)" 2007 KM# 160
Country Lithuania
Year 2007
Value $8 - $95
Lithuania 5 Euro Technological Sciences 2018 LMK Proof LIETUVA LMK 2018 5 € coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Euro Technological Sciences 2018 LMK Proof 180° 270° LIETUVA MYLI LAISVĘ... LITSAT-1 LITUANICA SAT-1 LINKĖJIMAI VISIEMS LIETUVIAMS... 90° 0° coin reverse
Gold 5 Euro "Technological Sciences" 2018
Country Lithuania
Year 2018
Value: $110
Lithuania 5 Euro Social Sciences 2021 Proof 5€ LIETUVA coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Euro Social Sciences 2021 Proof 2021 SOCIALINIAI MOKSLAI coin reverse
Gold 5 euro "Social Sciences" 2021
Country Lithuania
Year 2021
Lithuania 10 Litu Lithuanian Science 2012 Proof KM# 180 10 LITŲ 2012 LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Lithuanian Science 2012 Proof KM# 180 LIETUVOS MOKSLAS coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "Lithuanian Science" 2012 KM# 180
Country Lithuania
Year 2012
Value $1 - $155