Great Britain 50 Pence 2017 coins

Filtersresults: 26
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 26 coins
UK 50 Pence (The Battle of Hastings) ELIZABETH II.D.G.REG.F.D.50 PENCE. J.C coin obverse
UK 50 Pence (The Battle of Hastings) BATTLE OF HASTINGS 10 66 JB 2016 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence


Year 2016 - 2019


UK 50 Pence Battle of Britain 2015  ELIZABETH∙II∙D∙G REG∙F∙D∙50 PENCE∙2015 JC coin obverse
UK 50 Pence Battle of Britain 2015  THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN 1940 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Obverse Fifth crowned portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II facing right, wearing the George IV State Diadem.5th bust

Metal Copper-Nickel

Year 2015 - 2019


UK Fifty Pence (Royal Shield - Elizabeth II (5th portrait)) KM# 1337 ELIZABETH II∙DEI∙GRA∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙2015∙ J.C coin obverse
UK Fifty Pence (Royal Shield - Elizabeth II (5th portrait)) KM# 1337 FIFTY PENCE coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Metal Copper-Nickel

Year 2015 - 2022

UK Fifty Pence (Sir Isaac Newton) ELIZABETH II∙DEI∙GRA∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙2017∙ J.C coin obverse
UK Fifty Pence (Sir Isaac Newton) SIR ISAAC NEWTON FIFTY PENCE S E I T F H C AW coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence


Year 2017 - 2018

Value$9 - $13

UK 50 Pence (Battle of Britain (4th portrait)) KM# 1338 ELIZABETH∙II∙D∙G REG∙F∙D∙2015 IRB coin obverse
UK 50 Pence (Battle of Britain (4th portrait)) KM# 1338 THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN GB 1940 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Obverse 4th crowned portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II4th bust

Metal Copper-Nickel

Year 2015 - 2019

Value$3 - $28

UK Fifty Pence (Royal Arms Shield Puzzle 6/6) KM# 1337a ELIZABETH II∙DEI∙GRA∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙2015∙ J.C coin obverse
UK Fifty Pence (Royal Arms Shield Puzzle 6/6) KM# 1337a FIFTY PENCE coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Metal Silver

Year 2015 - 2022


UK 50 Pence (The Battle of Britain) ELIZABETH II DEI GRA REG FID DEF 2015 J.C coin obverse
UK 50 Pence (The Battle of Britain) THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN 1940 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Obverse Fifth crowned portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II facing right, wearing the George IV State Diadem.5th bust


Metal Silver

Weight 8 g.

Year 2015 - 2019


UK 50 Pence Battle of Britain Piedfort 2019 Proof ELIZABETH II D G REG F D 50 PENCE 2019 J.C coin obverse
UK 50 Pence Battle of Britain Piedfort 2019 Proof THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN GB 1940 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Obverse Queen Elizabeth II5th bust

Metal Silver

Weight 16 g.

Note Piedfort

Year 2015 - 2019


UK 50 Pence Britannia Modern 2017 Proof ELIZABETH II • D • G • REG • F • D • 50 PENCE J.C coin obverse
UK 50 Pence Britannia Modern 2017 Proof BRITANNIA 1/4 OZ FINE SILVER 999 2017 LWT coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Metal Silver

Year 2017

UK 50 Pence Modern Britannia 2017 Trident Proof ELIZABETH II D G REG F D 50 PENCE 2018 J.C coin obverse
UK 50 Pence Modern Britannia 2017 Trident Proof BRITANNIA 1/40 OZ FINE GOLD 999.9 2017 LWT coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 50 Pence

Metal Gold

Year 2017


Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 LIETUVA 10 LITŲ LMK 2007 coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 SECTIO AUREA coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama)" 2007 KM# 160
Country Lithuania
Year 2007
Value $8 - $95
Lithuania 5 Euro Technological Sciences 2018 LMK Proof LIETUVA LMK 2018 5 € coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Euro Technological Sciences 2018 LMK Proof 180° 270° LIETUVA MYLI LAISVĘ... LITSAT-1 LITUANICA SAT-1 LINKĖJIMAI VISIEMS LIETUVIAMS... 90° 0° coin reverse
Gold 5 Euro "Technological Sciences" 2018
Country Lithuania
Year 2018
Value: $110
Lithuania 5 Euro Social Sciences 2021 Proof 5€ LIETUVA coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Euro Social Sciences 2021 Proof 2021 SOCIALINIAI MOKSLAI coin reverse
Gold 5 euro "Social Sciences" 2021
Country Lithuania
Year 2021
Lithuania 10 Litu Lithuanian Science 2012 Proof KM# 180 10 LITŲ 2012 LMK coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Lithuanian Science 2012 Proof KM# 180 LIETUVOS MOKSLAS coin reverse
Gold 10 Litu "Lithuanian Science" 2012 KM# 180
Country Lithuania
Year 2012
Value $1 - $155