Great Britain Charles I 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling) coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 18
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 18 coins
UK 6 Pence Charles I (1638-1639) Aberystwyth Varieties exist. KM# 184 CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT BR ET HIB REX VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I (1638-1639) Aberystwyth Varieties exist. KM# 184 CHRISTO AVSPICE REG NO coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1638 - 1639

Value$225 - $3K

UK VI Pence Charles I 1631-1632 CAROLVS.DG.MAGN.BRITANN.FR.ET.HIB.REX VI coin obverse
UK VI Pence Charles I 1631-1632 . AV SPICE REGNO CHRIS TO coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1631 - 1632


UK 6 Pence Charles I. Newark siege coin 1646 KM# 368 C R VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I. Newark siege coin 1646 KM# 368 OBS. NEWARK 1646 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1646

Value$450 - $4.5K

UK 6 Pence Charles I 1646 Lundy KM# 343.2 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:B:F:ET∙H:REX∙B∙ VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I 1646 Lundy KM# 343.2 ∙EXVRG:DEVS∙DISSIPEN:INIMICI REL:PROT:LEG:ANG:LIB:PAR: 1646 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1646

Value$75 - $1K

UK 6 Pence Charles I 1645 Lundy KM# 343.1 B F ET H REX B CAROLVS VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I 1645 Lundy KM# 343.1 REL PROT LEG ANG LIB PAR 1646 DISSIPEN INIMICI EXVRG DEVS coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1645

Value$165 - $2.5K

UK 6 Pence Charles I 1644 Oxford KM# 203.3 CAROLVS D G MG BRIT FR ET VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I 1644 Oxford KM# 203.3 RELIG PROT IEG ANG LIBER PAR 1643 EXVPGAI DEI S DIS SIPERTVR IN coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)

Reverse Shrewsbury plumes and three lis aboveShrewsbury plumes and three lis above


Year 1644

Value$275 - $4.5K

UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1644 Bristol KM# 241.2 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:B:F:ET∙H:REX∙ VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1644 Bristol KM# 241.2 ∙EXVRGAT∙DEVS∙DISSIPENTVR∙INIMICI∙ RELIG:PRO:LEG:ANG:LIB:PAR: 1644 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)

Obverse Plume added in front of the face.Crude bust of Charles I left with value behind in the inner circle. Plume added in front of the face.


Year 1644

Value$150 - $2.3K

UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1643 Oxford KM# 203.2 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FR:ET... VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1643 Oxford KM# 203.2 ∙EXVRGAT:DEVS∙DISSIPENTVR∙INIMICI RELIG:PROT LEG:ANG LIBER:PAR 1643 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)

Obverse Portrait left.Portrait left.

Reverse Three Shrewsbury plumes above.Three Shrewsbury plumes above.


Year 1643

Value$150 - $2.3K

UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1643 Oxford KM# 203.1 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FR:ET... VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence Charles I Sixpence 1643 Oxford KM# 203.1 ∙EXVRGAT:DEVS∙DISSIPENTVR∙INIMICI RELIG:PROT LEG:ANG LIBER:PAR *YEAR* coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)

Obverse Portrait left.Portrait left.

Reverse Declaration with three Oxford plumes above and date below.Declaration with three Oxford plumes above and date below.


Year 1642 - 1643

Value$200 - $2.5K

UK 6 Pence (Charles I) KM# 93 IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET HIB:REX∙ VI coin obverse
UK 6 Pence (Charles I) KM# 93 ...DEVS CONIVNXIT NEMO SEPAR... coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1625 - 1630

Value$80 - $1.75K