Great Britain Gold 60 Shillings "James II" 1688 X# 21a

UK 60 Shillings James II 1688 Struck in 1828 by Matthew Young X# 21a IACOBVS II DEI GRATIA 60 coin obverse
UK 60 Shillings James II 1688 Struck in 1828 by Matthew Young X# 21a ET HIB REX 16 88 MAG BR FRA coin reverse

Laureate bust of James II (VII) right, value below bust

Crowned arms in collar of the Order of the Thistle, crown divides date
Lettering: ET HIB REX 16 88 MAG BR FRA

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X# 21a
40 mm.
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1688 Struck in 1828 by Matthew Young Rare
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