Great Britain Gold Spur Ryal "James I" 1604 - 1619 KM# 41

UK Spur Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 41 IACOBSV∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRAN:ET HIB:REX coin obverse
UK Spur Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 41 ∙A∙DNO:FACTVM∙EST∙ISTVD∙ET∙EST∙MIRABILE∙ coin reverse

King standing to face, holding sword and shield, in the ship.

Rose over sun with fleurs, crowns, and lions, small trefoils in spandrels.

Extended information
Krause catalog
KM# 41
13 g.
34 mm.
  • Varieties
  • For Sale
  • Coins to Swap
  • In Collection
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Prices per year/grade
Prices per year/grade
ND (1604-1619)
VG8: $3K
F12: $6K
VF20: $15K
XF40: $24K
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