Victoria coins (Great Britain)

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 166
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 166 coins
UK One Penny Victoria 1860 Without obverse signature, 15 leaves KM# 749.2 VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D: coin obverse
UK One Penny Victoria 1860 Without obverse signature, 15 leaves KM# 749.2 ONE PENNY coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Penny


Note Toothed border, wtihout die number.

Year 1860 - 1881

Value$2 - $4K

UK One Penny Victoria 1890 Proof KM# 755 VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D: coin obverse
UK One Penny Victoria 1890 Proof KM# 755 ONE PENNY coin reverse
Illustration of the specifics of the One Penny "Victoria" 1874 - 1894 KM# 755

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Penny


Note "H" under the date

Year 1874 - 1894

Value$2.5 - $8K

UK Half Penny Victoria toothed border 1862 KM# 748.2 VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D: coin obverse
UK Half Penny Victoria toothed border 1862 KM# 748.2 HALF PENNY coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Penny


Year 1860 - 1881

Value$1.25 - $2.5K

UK One Penny Victoria 1901 Proof KM# 790 VICTORIA ∙ DEI ∙ GRA ∙ BRITT ∙ REGINA ∙ FID ∙ DEF ∙ IND ∙ IMP coin obverse
UK One Penny Victoria 1901 Proof KM# 790 ONE PENNY coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Penny


Year 1895 - 1901

Value$0.55 - $1K

UK One Shilling (Victoria) KM# 734 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIAR REG F D coin obverse
UK One Shilling (Victoria) KM# 734 ONE SHILLING 115 1873 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)


Year 1838 - 1887

UK Half Penny Victoria 1884 KM# 754 VICTORIA D:G: BRITT: REG: F:D: coin obverse
UK Half Penny Victoria 1884 KM# 754 HALF PENNY coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Penny


Year 1874 - 1894

Value$1 - $2K

UK Sovereign Victoria 1842 KM# 736.1 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK Sovereign Victoria 1842 KM# 736.1 BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID: DEF: coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Sovereign


Year 1838 - 1872

Value$235 - $18K

UK 3 Pence Victoria 1887 KM# 730 VICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIAR: REGINA F:D: coin obverse
UK 3 Pence Victoria 1887 KM# 730 3 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 3 Pence


Year 1838 - 1887

Value$2.5 - $1.4K

UK Farthing Victoria 1881 Three berries in wreath KM# 753 VICTORIA D:G: BRIT: REG: F:D: coin obverse
UK Farthing Victoria 1881 Three berries in wreath KM# 753 FARTHING coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/4 Penny (1 Farthing)


Year 1874 - 1898

Value$0.75 - $9K

UK Half Penny Victoria 1899 KM# 789 VICTORIA ∙ DEI ∙ GRA ∙ BRITT ∙ REGINA ∙ FID ∙ DEF ∙ IND ∙ IMP ∙ coin obverse
UK Half Penny Victoria 1899 KM# 789 HALF PENNY coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Penny


Year 1895 - 1901

Value$0.5 - $1.6K

Poland 100 Ducat (Sigismund III) KM# H43 SIGISMVNDVS III D G POLONIAE ET SVECIAE REX coin obverse
Poland 100 Ducat (Sigismund III) KM# H43 MAGNVS DVX LITVAN RVSS PRVSS MAS SAM LIVON ZG coin reverse
Gold 100 Ducat "Sigismund III" 1621 KM# H43
Country Poland
Year 1621
Value: $2.16M
Poland 5 Ducat Sigismund III 1614 Hess-Divo Aution 309, 4-08, XF - $37,785 KM# 7 SIGISMVNDVS III D G REX POLONIAE MAG DVX LIT RVS PRVSSIAE coin obverse
Poland 5 Ducat Sigismund III 1614 Hess-Divo Aution 309, 4-08, XF - $37,785 KM# 7 EX AVRO SOLIDO CIVITAS GEDANENSIS FIERI F coin reverse
Gold 5 Ducat "Sigismund III" 1614 KM# 7
Country Poland
Year 1614
Value $12.5K - $75K
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Sobieski 1685 B KM# 132 IOAN III D C REX POL M D L R P coin obverse
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Sobieski 1685 B KM# 132 MONETA AVREA REG POLONIAE 16 85 coin reverse
Gold 2 Ducat "Johann Sobieski" 1681 - 1685 KM# 132
Country Poland
Year 1681 - 1685
Value $6.3K - $32K
Poland 200000 Zlotych John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 190 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 89 MW ZŁ 200000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 200000 Zlotych John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 190 JAN PAWEŁ II E coin reverse
Gold 200000 Zlotych "John Paul II" 1989 Y# 190
Country Poland
Year 1989
Value: $30K
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Casimir 1664 AT KM# 119 IO CASIM D G RE X POL & SVE M D L coin obverse
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Casimir 1664 AT KM# 119 MONETA AVREA REGN POL 1664 coin reverse
Gold 2 Ducat "Johann Casimir" 1662 - 1667 KM# 119
Country Poland
Year 1662 - 1667
Value $3.75K - $29.5K