Lithuanian Gold 10 Litu "Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama)" 2007 KM# 160

Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 LIETUVA 10 LITŲ LMK 2007 coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Litu Gate of Dawn (Ostra Brama) 2007 LMK Proof KM# 160 SECTIO AUREA coin reverse

Castle gate
Lettering: LIETUVA 10 LITŲ LMK 2007

Geometric design

Extended information
Krause catalog
KM# 160
1.2 g.
13.9 mm.
Medal ↑↑
  • Varieties
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Prices per year/grade
Prices per year/grade
2007 LMK Proof
Mintage 7
PRF63: $8
PRF65: $95
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