Luxembourgish Silver 25 Euro "30 years European Court of Auditors" 2007 KM# 103

Luxembourg 25 Euro 30 years European Court of Auditors 2007 Proof KM# 103 LËTZEBUERG 2007 CG coin obverse
Luxembourg 25 Euro 30 years European Court of Auditors 2007 Proof KM# 103 COUR DES COMPTES EUROPÉENNE 1977 - 2007 25 EURO coin reverse

Lettering: LËTZEBUERG 2007 CG

Lettering: COUR DES COMPTES EUROPÉENNE 1977 - 2007 25 EURO

Extended information
Krause catalog
KM# 103
22.85 g.
37 mm.
European Court of Auditors 30th Anniversary
Medal ↑↑
  • Varieties
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Prices per year/grade
Prices per year/grade
2007 Proof
Mintage 3
PRF63: $8
PRF65: $100
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