Dutch 1 Schelling 1698 coins

Filtersresults: 2
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 2 coins
Netherlands 1 Schelling Reclining Lion 1731 KM# 50 MON NOV ARGEN ORDINUM ZEELAND 17 31 coin obverse
Netherlands 1 Schelling Reclining Lion 1731 KM# 50 ITA RELINQUENDA UT ACCEPTA coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Schelling


Year 1672 - 1738

Value$10 - $160

Netherlands Arendschelling (16)91 KM# 26.1 Gelderland - Nijmegen City Standard Coinage MO NO ARG CIV NOVIO MAGENSIS 91 6S coin obverse
Netherlands Arendschelling (16)91 KM# 26.1 Gelderland - Nijmegen City Standard Coinage CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCVNT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Schelling


Year 1601 - 1700

Value$12.5 - $200

Slovenia 10 Stotinov 1992 KM# 7 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DESET STOTINOV 10 YEAR coin obverse
Slovenia 10 Stotinov 1992 KM# 7 Standart Coinage 10 PROTEUS ANGUINUS coin reverse
10 Stotinov Standart Coinage 1992 - 2006 KM# 7
Country Slovenia
Year 1992 - 2006
Value $0.25 - $5
Slovenia 20 Stotinov 1992 Proof KM# 8 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DVAJSET STOTINOV 20 YEAR coin obverse
Slovenia 20 Stotinov 1992 Proof KM# 8 Standart Coinage ASIO OTUS 20 coin reverse
20 Stotinov Standart Coinage 1992 - 2006 KM# 8
Country Slovenia
Year 1992 - 2006
Value $0.35 - $6
Slovenia 50 Stotinov 1995 KM# 3 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA PETDESET STOTINOV 50 YEAR coin obverse
Slovenia 50 Stotinov 1995 KM# 3 Standart Coinage APIS MELLIFERA 50 coin reverse
50 Stotinov Standart Coinage 1992 - 2006 KM# 3
Country Slovenia
Year 1992 - 2006
Value $0.1 - $12
Slovenia Euro Cent White Stork 2008 KM# 68 SLOVENIJA 2007 coin obverse
Slovenia Euro Cent White Stork 2008 KM# 68 1 EURO CENT LL coin reverse
Euro Cent "White Stork" 2007 - 2023 KM# 68
Country Slovenia
Year 2007 - 2023
Value $0.15 - $22
Slovenia 2 Euro Cent The Prince's Stone 2008 KM# 69 SLOVENIJA 2007 coin obverse
Slovenia 2 Euro Cent The Prince's Stone 2008 KM# 69 2 EURO CENT LL coin reverse
2 Euro Cent "The Prince's Stone" 2007 - 2023 KM# 69
Country Slovenia
Year 2007 - 2023
Value $0.25 - $22