Dutch Beatrix 2 1/2 ECU coins

Filtersresults: 35
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 35 coins
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Willem I. Frederik) X# 47 DE NEDER - LANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 1992 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Willem I. Frederik) X# 47 UITBREIDUNG VAN HET VERKEER MET ALLE VOLKEN KONING WILLEM coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1992

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Erasmus von Rotterdam) X# 43 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 19 91 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Erasmus von Rotterdam) X# 43 ME VELLE ESSE TOTIUS MUNDI NON UNIMUS OPPIDI ERASMUS coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1991

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (12-1/2 Anniversary of Coronation and Visit to Aruba and the Neterlands Antilles) X# 59 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 19 92 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (12-1/2 Anniversary of Coronation and Visit to Aruba and the Neterlands Antilles) X# 59 BEZOEK KON.FAM.NED.ANTILLEN EN ARUBA REGERINGSJUBILEUM H M KONINGIN BEATRIX 1992 12 1/2 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1992

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Geert Groote) X# 26 DE NEDER - LANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 19 90 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Geert Groote) X# 26 HAEC ARMA STRENUITAS SEVERITAS BENIGNITAS GEERT GROOT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1990

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Maastricht) X# 69 DE NEDER - LANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 1993 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Maastricht) X# 69 MAASTRICHT E 1993 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1993

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu Wilhelmina. 50th Anniversary Liberation WWII 1995 X# 89 1995 2 1/2 ECU KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu Wilhelmina. 50th Anniversary Liberation WWII 1995 X# 89 BEVRIJDING BETE KENT HET HER LEVEN VAN ALLE VRIJ HEDEN WILHELMINA coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1995

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Grotius) X# 85 1995 2 1/2 ECU KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Grotius) X# 85 GROTIUS 1583- 1645 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1995

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Roosevelt) X# 81 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 1994 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (Roosevelt) X# 81 FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT CHAMPION OF FREEDOM coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1994

Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (75th Four Day March) X# 41 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN2 2 1/2 ECU 19 91 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ecu (75th Four Day March) X# 41 75E INT.VIERDAAGSE NIJMEGEN coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1991

Netherlands 2 1/2 ECU Arnhem 1991 X# 39 DE NEDER - LANDEN 2 1/2 ECU 1991 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 ECU Arnhem 1991 X# 39 ARNHEM, EURO - STADT AAN DE RIJN coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 ECU


Year 1991

Netherlands 1 Gulden (Maxi-Gulden) BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 1 Gulden (Maxi-Gulden) 1 G 2001 coin reverse
1 Gulden "Maxi-Gulden" 2001
Country Netherlands
Year 2001
Netherlands 200 Euro (London) X# 149 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1998 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro (London) X# 149 LONDON 1995 HORATIO NELSON 1758-1805 coin reverse
200 Euro "London" 1998 X# 149
Country Netherlands
Year 1998
Netherlands 200 Euro (Vienna) X# 155 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1999 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro (Vienna) X# 155 MAXIMLIAN I 1459 1519 WIEN 1998 coin reverse
200 Euro "Vienna" 1998 X# 155
Country Netherlands
Year 1998
Netherlands 200 Euro Berlin 1999 X# 156 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1999 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro Berlin 1999 X# 156 BERLIN 1999 JOHANN WOLFGANG WON GOETHE 1749-1832 coin reverse
200 Euro "Berlin" 1999 X# 156
Country Netherlands
Year 1999