Dutch Bi-Metallic coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 47
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 47 coins
Netherlands Euro Beatrix 1st map 2004 KM# 240 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2001 coin obverse
Netherlands Euro Beatrix 1st map 2004 KM# 240 1 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Copper-Nickel center in Brass ring)

Year 1999 - 2006

Value$2.5 - $15

Netherlands 2 Euro Beatrix 1st Map 2000 KM# 241 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2006 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro Beatrix 1st Map 2000 KM# 241 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 1999 - 2006

Value$4 - $18

Netherlands 2 Euro Abdication of Queen Beatrix and Willem-Alexander's accession to the throne 2013 KM# 332 WILLEM-ALEXANDER PRINS VAN ORANJE * BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 28 JANUARI 2013 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro Abdication of Queen Beatrix and Willem-Alexander's accession to the throne 2013 KM# 332 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2013

Value$4.5 - $50

Netherlands 2 Euro 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands 2013 KM# 324 WILLEM-ALEXANDER KONING DER NEDERLANDEN 200 JAAR KONINKRIJK 2013 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands 2013 KM# 324 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2013

Value$4.5 - $50

Netherlands 2 Euro Beatrix 2nd map 2009 KM# 272 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2011 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro Beatrix 2nd map 2009 KM# 272 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2007 - 2013

Value$6 - $17.5

Netherlands 2 Euro Willem-Alexander 2nd map 2016 KM# 351 WILLEM-ALEXANDER KONING DER NEDERLANDEN 2016 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro Willem-Alexander 2nd map 2016 KM# 351 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

Metal Bi-metallic

Note Reverse: 2nd map with outer ring

Year 2014 - 2023

Value$4 - $17.5

Netherlands 2 Euro 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome 2007 Proof KM# 273 VERDRAG VAN ROME 50 JAAR EUROPA 2007 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome 2007 Proof KM# 273 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2007

Value$6 - $22

Netherlands Euro Willem-Alexander 2nd map 2019 Blister Maastricht KM# 350 WILLEM-ALEXANDER KONING DER NEDERLANDEN 2016 coin obverse
Netherlands Euro Willem-Alexander 2nd map 2019 Blister Maastricht KM# 350 1 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Copper-Nickel center in Nickel-Brass ring)

Year 2014 - 2023

Value$3.5 - $14.5

Netherlands 2 Euro 10th Anniversary of the Economic Monetary Union 2009 KM# 282 1999-2009 EMU NEDERLAND coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro 10th Anniversary of the Economic Monetary Union 2009 KM# 282 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2009

Value$4.5 - $160

Netherlands 2 Euro Willem-Alexander Accession 2014 KM# 356 WILLEM-ALEXANDER KONING DER NEDERLANDEN BEATRIX PRINSES DER NEDERLANDEN 2014 coin obverse
Netherlands 2 Euro Willem-Alexander Accession 2014 KM# 356 2 EURO LL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2 Euro

MetalBi-metallic (Nickel-Brass center in Copper-Nickel ring)

Year 2014

Value$5 - $50

Russia Kopek (Vasilii IV) KM# 22 coin obverse
Russia Kopek (Vasilii IV) KM# 22 ЦРЬ ИВЕ ЛИКЇ И КНSЬ ВАСИЛЇИВА НОВИЧЬВ СЕА РУ СЇИ coin reverse
Gold Kopek "Vasilii IV" 1606 - 1610 KM# 22
Country Russia
Year 1606 - 1610
Value $700 - $5K
Russia 4 Dukats Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel) ND (1613-1645)  МИХАИИЛЪ ѲЕОДОРОВИЧЬ ВСЕА РУСИИ САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ coin obverse
Russia 4 Dukats Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel) ND (1613-1645)  БОЖИЕЮ МИЛОСТИЮ ВЕЛИКІЙ ЦРЬ И ВЕЛИКИЙ КNSЬ * coin reverse
Gold 4 Dukats "Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel)" 1613 - 1645
Country Russia
Year 1613 - 1645
Value: $15.2K
Russia Kopek (Michael I) KM# 53 ПГ coin obverse
Russia Kopek (Michael I) KM# 53 ЦРЬ IВЕ ЛIКI КНSЬ МIХАIЛАОВ ДОРОВIЧЬ ВСЕА РУ СIИ coin reverse
Silver Kopek "Michael I" 1613 - 1645 KM# 53
Country Russia
Year 1613 - 1645
Value $25 - $200
Russia Polushka (Aleksei) KM# 40 coin obverse
Russia Polushka (Aleksei) KM# 40 coin reverse
Gold Polushka "Aleksei" 1645 - 1676 KM# 40
Country Russia
Year 1645 - 1676
Value $550 - $3.85K