Polish 50 Zlotych coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 99
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 99 coins
Poland 50 Zlotych Circulation Coin 1990 MW Y# 216 RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA MW 1990 coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Circulation Coin 1990 MW Y# 216 50 ZŁOTYCH coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1990

Value$0.75 - $12

Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Mieszko I 1979 MW Y# 100 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 79 MW ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Mieszko I 1979 MW Y# 100 MIESZKO I 960-992 PRÓBA coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1979

Value$1 - $15

Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Boleslaw III Krzywousty 1982 MW Y# 133 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 82 MW - ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Boleslaw III Krzywousty 1982 MW Y# 133 BOLESŁAW III KRZYWOUSTY 1102 - 1138 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1982

Value$1 - $12.5

Poland 50 Zlotych King Jan III Sobieski 1983 MW Y# 145 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 83 MW - ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych King Jan III Sobieski 1983 MW Y# 145 300 LAT ODSIECZY WIEDEŃSKIEJ JAN III SOBIESKI 1674 - 1696 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1983

Value$1 - $6

Poland 50 Zlotych Boleslaw I Chrobry 1980 MW Y# 114 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 80 MW ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Boleslaw I Chrobry 1980 MW Y# 114 BOLESŁAW I CHROBRY - 992 - 1025 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1980

Value$1 - $12.5

Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Boleslaw II Smialy 1981 MW Y# 124 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 MW - ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Boleslaw II Smialy 1981 MW Y# 124 BOLESŁAW II ŚMIAŁY 1058 1079 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1981

Value$1 - $12

Poland 50 Zlotych World Food Day 1981 MW Y# 127 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 MW ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych World Food Day 1981 MW Y# 127 ŚWIATOWY DZIEŃ ŻYWNOŚCI FAO 16 OCT WORLD FOOD DAY coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1981

Value$1 - $12

Poland 50 Zlotych General Broni Wladyslaw Sikorski 1981 MW Proof Y# 122 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 MW ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych General Broni Wladyslaw Sikorski 1981 MW Proof Y# 122 GEN. BRONI WŁADYSŁAW SIKORSKI 1881 - 1943 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1981

Value$1 - $12.5

Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Kazimierz I Odnowiciel 1980 MW Y# 117 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 80 MW ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Kazimierz I Odnowiciel 1980 MW Y# 117 KAZIMIERZ I ODNOWICIEL 1039 - 1058 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1980

Value$1 - $12.5

Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Wadysaw I Herman 1981 MW Y# 128 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 81 MW - ZŁ 50 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 50 Zlotych Duke Wadysaw I Herman 1981 MW Y# 128 WŁADYSŁAW I HERMAN 1079 ~ 1102 coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 50 Zlotych


Year 1981

Value$1 - $12

Portugal 24 Escudos Joao V 1731  IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX 1731 coin obverse
Portugal 24 Escudos Joao V 1731   coin reverse
Gold 24 Escudos "João V" 1731
Country Portugal
Year 1731
Portugal 16 Escudos Joao V 1731  IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX coin obverse
Portugal 16 Escudos Joao V 1731   coin reverse
Gold 16 Escudos "João V" 1731
Country Portugal
Year 1731
Portugal 80 Reis 1829 KM# 4.1 Terceira Island MARIA II D G PORT ET ALG REGINA coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis 1829 KM# 4.1 Terceira Island ILHA TERCEIRA UTULITATI PUBLICÆ 80 1829 coin reverse
80 Reis Terceira Island 1829 KM# 4.1
Country Portugal
Year 1829
Value $80 - $325
Portugal 80 Reis 1829 Cast from gun or bell metal with varying degrees of planchet thickness and porosity KM# 4.2 Terceira Island MARIA II D G PORT ET ALG REGINA coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis 1829 Cast from gun or bell metal with varying degrees of planchet thickness and porosity KM# 4.2 Terceira Island 80 1822 ILHA TERCEIRA UTULITATI PUBLICÆ coin reverse
80 Reis Terceira Island 1829 KM# 4.2
Country Portugal
Year 1829
Value $90 - $400