Portuguese 4 Cruzados coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 10
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 10 coins
Portugal 4 Cruzados ND LB KM# 9.2 Kingdom Dump coinage PHILIPPVS D G REX PORTVGALIA coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados ND LB KM# 9.2 Kingdom Dump coinage INHOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Note PORTVGALIA ET at Obverse

Year 1598 - 1620

Portugal 4 Cruzados Filipe III ND LB KM# 18 PHILIPVS D G REX PORTVGALIA coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados Filipe III ND LB KM# 18 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1621

Portugal 4 Cruzados Cross of St. George 1642 KM# 57 IOANNES IIII D G REX PORTVGALIE coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados Cross of St. George 1642 KM# 57 SIGNO VINVEESS IN HOC coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1642

Portugal 4 Cruzados Joao IV 1642 KM# 60 · IOANNES IIII D G REX PORTVGALIE coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados Joao IV 1642 KM# 60 IN · HOC · SIGNO · VINCESS coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1642 - 1652

Portugal 4 Cruzados ND L KM# 9.1 Kingdom Dump coinage PHILIPPVS D G REX PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados ND L KM# 9.1 Kingdom Dump coinage INHOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Note PHILIPPVS at the Reverse

Year 1656

Portugal 4 Cruzados Afonso VI 1660 KM# 81 ALPHONSVS · VI · D · G · REX · PORTV coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados Afonso VI 1660 KM# 81 IN · HOC · SIGNO · VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1660 - 1663

Portugal 4 Cruzados ND KM# 458.9 Kingdom Countermarked coinage Type VII coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados ND KM# 458.9 Kingdom Countermarked coinage Type VII coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1686

Portugal 4 Cruzados Countermarked on Brazil 20000 Reis KM# 117 1834 KM# 467 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES 1726 coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados Countermarked on Brazil 20000 Reis KM# 117 1834 KM# 467 IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX 20000 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1834

Portugal 4 Cruzados (Filipe II) PHILIPPVS D G REX PORTVGAL L B IIII coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados (Filipe II) IN HOC SIGNO VIN CES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1598 - 1621

Portugal 4 Cruzados (Filipe II Dump Coinage) PHILIPPVS D G REX PORTVGAL IIII-L coin obverse
Portugal 4 Cruzados (Filipe II Dump Coinage) IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Cruzados


Year 1598 - 1621

Belarus 5 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2013 Proof KM# 451 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 2013 AU 999 5 РУБЛЁЎ coin obverse
Belarus 5 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2013 Proof KM# 451 БЕЛАРУСКІ БАЛЕТ coin reverse
Gold 5 Roubles "Belarusian Ballet" 2013 KM# 451
Country Belarus
Year 2013
Value: $50
Belarus 10 Roubles Aginski 2011 Proof KM# 347 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 900 MW 10 РУБЛЁЎ 2011 coin obverse
Belarus 10 Roubles Aginski 2011 Proof KM# 347 MICHAŁ KLEOFAS OGIŃSKI coin reverse
Gold 10 Roubles "Aginski" 2011 KM# 347
Country Belarus
Year 2011
Value: $150
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2006 Proof KM# 342 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 2006 10 РУБЛЁЎ coin obverse
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2006 Proof KM# 342 БАЛЕТ БЕЛАРУСКІ coin reverse
Gold 10 Roubles "Belarusian Ballet" 2006 KM# 342
Country Belarus
Year 2006
Value: $150
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2007 Proof KM# 343 РЭСПУБЛИКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 2007 10 РУБЛЁЎ coin obverse
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2007 Proof KM# 343 БЕЛАРУСКІ БАЛЕТ BELARUSIAN BALLET coin reverse
Gold 10 Roubles "Belarusian Ballet" 2007 KM# 343
Country Belarus
Year 2007
Value: $150
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2005 KM# 129 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 2005 10 РУБЕЛЁЎ coin obverse
Belarus 10 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2005 KM# 129 БЕЛАРУСКІ БАЛЕТ coin reverse
Gold 10 Roubles "Belarusian Ballet" 2005 KM# 129
Country Belarus
Year 2005
Value $100 - $130
Belarus 1 Kopek KM# 561 Standard Coinage БЕЛАРУСЬ 2009 coin obverse
Belarus 1 Kopek KM# 561 Standard Coinage 1 КАПЕЙКА coin reverse
1 Kopek Standard Coinage 2009 KM# 561
Country Belarus
Year 2009
Value: $0.05