Portuguese Copper-Nickel 25 Escudos coins

Filtersresults: 13
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 13 coins
Portugal 25 Escudos 1982 KM# 607a Republic REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 25 ESCUDOS coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos 1982 KM# 607a Republic LIBERTADE DEMOCRACIA 1980 NORTE D'ALMEIDA coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1980 - 1986

Value$0.4 - $7

Portugal 25 Escudos 1977 KM# 607 Republic REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 25 ESCUDOS coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos 1977 KM# 607 Republic LIBERDADE DEMOCRACIA 1978 NORTE D'ALMEIDA coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1977 - 1978

Value$0.4 - $6

Portugal 25 Escudos (100th Anniversary of the Death of Alexandre Herculano) KM# 608 REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 25$00 coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos (100th Anniversary of the Death of Alexandre Herculano) KM# 608 CENTENÁRIO DA MORTE DE ALEXANDRE HERCULANO 1877 1977 INCM 1977 M. NORTE SCVLP. coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1977

Value$0.5 - $7

Portugal 25 Escudos Admission to European Common Market 1986 KM# 635 PORTUGAL EUROPA INCM 1986 MS coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos Admission to European Common Market 1986 KM# 635 PORTUGAL EUROPA INCM 1986 MS coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1986

Value$0.4 - $3.5

Portugal 25 Escudos World Roller Hockey Championship Games 1982 KM# 616 REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 25$00 coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos World Roller Hockey Championship Games 1982 KM# 616 82 INCM 82 DORITA MUNDIAL HÓQUEI coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1982

Value$0.5 - $2.5

Portugal 25 Escudos International Year of Disabled People 1984 KM# 624 25$00 REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos International Year of Disabled People 1984 KM# 624 ANO INTERNACIONAL DO DEFICIENTE 1981 ANTÓNIO FELICIANO DE CASTILHO 1800 1885 TRABALHO REABILITAÇÁO INCM82 M. SIMÕES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1984

Value$0.4 - $3.5

Portugal 25 Escudos 10th Anniversary of the 25 April Revolution 1984 KM# 623 REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1974 1984 HELDER BATISTA INCM coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos 10th Anniversary of the 25 April Revolution 1984 KM# 623 DEMOCRACIA 25 ABRIL 1984 25 ESCUDOS LIBERDADE coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1984

Value$0.4 - $3.5

Portugal 25 Escudos International Year of the Child 1979 KM# 609 REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 25$00 coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos International Year of the Child 1979 KM# 609 DÁ ME O TEU AMOR INCM ANO I. CRIANÇA 1979 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1979

Value$0.5 - $8

Portugal 25 Escudos FAO - World Food Day 1983 KM# 619 REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 25$00 coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos FAO - World Food Day 1983 KM# 619 ALIMENTOS PARA TODOS FAO 1983 INCM coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1983

Value$0.6 - $3.75

Portugal 25 Escudos Regional Autonomy of the Azores 1980 KM# 43 REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 25 ESCUDOS AÇORES coin obverse
Portugal 25 Escudos Regional Autonomy of the Azores 1980 KM# 43 REGIÃO AUTÓNOMA DOS AÇORES ANTES MORRER LIVRES QUE EM PAZ SUJEITOS INCM 81 1980 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 25 Escudos


Year 1980

Value$1 - $7.5

Slovenia 10 Stotinov 1992 KM# 7 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DESET STOTINOV 10 YEAR coin obverse
Slovenia 10 Stotinov 1992 KM# 7 Standart Coinage 10 PROTEUS ANGUINUS coin reverse
10 Stotinov Standart Coinage 1992 - 2006 KM# 7
Country Slovenia
Year 1992 - 2006
Value $0.25 - $5
Slovenia Euro Cent White Stork 2008 KM# 68 SLOVENIJA 2007 coin obverse
Slovenia Euro Cent White Stork 2008 KM# 68 1 EURO CENT LL coin reverse
Euro Cent "White Stork" 2007 - 2023 KM# 68
Country Slovenia
Year 2007 - 2023
Value $0.15 - $22
Slovenia 1 Euro cent (Probe) X# Pn1 REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA 2004 coin obverse
Slovenia 1 Euro cent (Probe) X# Pn1 PROBE TRIAL ESSAI PRUEBA 1 coin reverse
1 Euro cent "Probe" 2004 X# Pn1
Country Slovenia
Year 2004
Value $1.5 - $2.5
Slovenia 20 Stotinov 1992 Proof KM# 8 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA DVAJSET STOTINOV 20 YEAR coin obverse
Slovenia 20 Stotinov 1992 Proof KM# 8 Standart Coinage ASIO OTUS 20 coin reverse
20 Stotinov Standart Coinage 1992 - 2006 KM# 8
Country Slovenia
Year 1992 - 2006
Value $0.35 - $6
Slovenia Dve Stotinki Lipe 1992 UNC X# Tn11 Standart Coinage REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA coin obverse
Slovenia Dve Stotinki Lipe 1992 UNC X# Tn11 Standart Coinage DVE STOTINKI LIPE 0,02 1992 coin reverse
Dve Stotinki Lipe Standart Coinage 1992 X# Tn11
Country Slovenia
Year 1992
Value: $1.5