Russian 25 Roubles coins

Filtersresults: 307
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 307 coins
Russia 25 Roubles Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch 2014 Y# 1501 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ СПМД 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2014 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch 2014 Y# 1501 SOCHI.RU 2014 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2014

Value$8 - $10

Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia - Trophy 2018 ММД Moscow Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia - Trophy 2018 ММД Moscow Mint ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ФУТБОЛУ 2018 В РОССИИ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia - Mascot 2018 ММД Moscow Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia - Mascot 2018 ММД Moscow Mint ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ФУТБОЛУ FIFA 2018 В РОССИИ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 ММД Moscow Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 ММД Moscow Mint FIFA WORLD CUP RUSSIA 2018 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 25 Roubles (2014 Winter Olympics - Sochi) Y# 1298 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2011 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles (2014 Winter Olympics - Sochi) Y# 1298 SOCHI.RU 2014 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2011 - 2014

Value$8 - $10

Russia 25 Roubles Sochi 2014 Mascots 2014 СПМД Y# 1368 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ СПМД 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2012 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles Sochi 2014 Mascots 2014 СПМД Y# 1368 SOCHI.RU 2014 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2012 - 2014

Value$8 - $10

Russia 25 Roubles Mascots and Logo of the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2013 Y# 1472 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ СПМД 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2013 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Roubles Mascots and Logo of the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2013 Y# 1472 SOCHI.RU 2014 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2013

Value$8 - $10

Russia 25 Rubles 75th Anniversary of the Full Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi Blockade 2019 РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2019 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Rubles 75th Anniversary of the Full Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi Blockade 2019 75-ЛЕТИЕ ПОЛНОГО ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЯ ЛЕНИНГРАДА ОТ ФАШИСТСКОЙ БЛОКАДЫ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2019


Russia 25 Rubles Selfless labour of health workers 2020 ММД РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2020 Г coin obverse
Russia 25 Rubles Selfless labour of health workers 2020 ММД  coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2020

Russia 25 Rubles PPS-43 (Aleksey Sudaev) 2020 ММД РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ БАНК РОССИИ 25 РУБЛЕЙ 2020 Г. coin obverse
Russia 25 Rubles PPS-43 (Aleksey Sudaev) 2020 ММД ОРУЖИЕ ВЕЛИКОЙ ПОБЕДЫ А.И. СУДАЕВ ППС-43 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 25 Roubles


Year 2020

Portugal 400 Reis Pedro II 1690 KM# 154.1 PETRVS.II.D.G.REX.PORTVG 400 coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro II 1690 KM# 154.1 .IN * HOC * SIGNO * VINCES. P P P P coin reverse
Silver 400 Reis "Pedro II" 1688 - 1702 KM# 154.1
Country Portugal
Year 1688 - 1702
Value $48 - $20K
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regen 1681 KM# 114.1 PETRVS · D · G · P · PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regen 1681 KM# 114.1 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse
Silver 400 Reis "Pedro Prince Regen" 1677 - 1681 KM# 114.1
Country Portugal
Year 1677 - 1681
Value $2K - $13.5K
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1683 KM# 145.1 PORTVGALIÆ PETRVS II D G REX coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1683 KM# 145.1 VINCES IN HOC SIGNO coin reverse
Silver 400 Reis "Pedro Prince Regent" 1683 - 1686 KM# 145.1
Country Portugal
Year 1683 - 1686
Value $350 - $8.25K
Portugal 400 Reis Alfonso VI ND KM# 78 ALPHONSVS VI DG REX PORTVGAL 400 coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis Alfonso VI ND KM# 78 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse
Silver 400 Reis "Alfonso VI" 1656 KM# 78
Country Portugal
Year 1656
Value $2.5K - $8K
Portugal 400 Reis (Pedro II) KM# 154.3 PETRVS.II.D.G PORTVG ET ALG REX 400 coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis (Pedro II) KM# 154.3 IN * HOC * SIGNO * VINCES coin reverse
Silver 400 Reis "Pedro II" 1696 - 1706 KM# 154.3
Country Portugal
Year 1696 - 1706
Value $90 - $6.75K
Portugal 200 Reis 1749 KM# 181 Kingdom Milled coinage 200 1749 IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX coin obverse
Portugal 200 Reis 1749 KM# 181 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse
Silver 200 Reis Kingdom Milled coinage 1707 - 1750 KM# 181
Country Portugal
Year 1707 - 1750
Value $12 - $6.5K