Russian 1/2 Oz Silver Two Roubles "Physicist I.M. Frank" 2008 Y# 1134

Russia Two Roubles Physicist I.M. Frank 2008 Proof Y# 1134 ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2008 Г. ∙ 15,55 СПМД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Physicist I.M. Frank 2008 Proof Y# 1134 И.М. ФРАНК 1908-1990 coin reverse

Double-headed eagle.
Lettering: ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2008 Г. ∙ 15,55 СПМД ∙

The portrait of the scientist and the graphic model of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation.
Lettering: И.М. ФРАНК 1908-1990

Extended information
Krause catalog
Y# 1134
17 g.
33 mm.
2.4 mm.
I. M. Frank. 100th Anniversary of Birth
Medal ↑↑
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Prices per year/grade
Prices per year/grade
2008 Proof
PRF65: $55
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