Spanish 80,000 Pesetas coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 17
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 17 coins
Spain 80000 Pesetas Ferdinand II and Isabella I 1989 Proof KM# 845 JVAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 19 89 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Ferdinand II and Isabella I 1989 Proof KM# 845 QVINTO CENTENARIO M 80000 PTAS 500 coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1989


Spain 80000 Pesetas Balthasar Charles 1990 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 880 JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1990 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Balthasar Charles 1990 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 880 XXV OLIMPIADA M BARCELONA 1992 80000 PTAS coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1990

Value$1.5K - $1.7K

Spain 80000 Pesetas Charles V 1990 KM# 881 JVAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1990 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Charles V 1990 KM# 881 QVINTO CENTENARIO M 80000 PTAS 500 coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1990

Value$1.35K - $1.5K

Spain 80000 Pesetas Discobolus 1990 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 879 JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1990 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Discobolus 1990 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 879 XXV OLIMPIADA BARCELONA 1992 M 80000 PTAS coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1990

Value$1.5K - $1.85K

Spain 80000 Pesetas Culture and Nature - Blind Man's Bluff 1996 Proof KM# 972 JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1996 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Culture and Nature - Blind Man's Bluff 1996 Proof KM# 972 CULTURA Y NATURALEZA M 80000 PTAS coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1996


Spain 80000 Pesetas The Puppet 1991 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 901 JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1991 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas The Puppet 1991 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 901 XXV OLIMPIADA M BARCELONA 1992 80000 PTAS coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1991

Value$1.4K - $2.4K

Spain 80000 Pesetas Two boys playing Dice 1992 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 917 JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1992 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Two boys playing Dice 1992 Proof. Uncirculated strikes have medallic die alignment and edges with reeded and plain sections; Proof strikes have coin die alignment and reeded edges KM# 917 BARCELONA 1992 80000 PTAS XXV OLIMPIADA coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1992

Value$1.5K - $2.4K

Spain 80000 Pesetas Carlos III 1991 Proof KM# 902 JVAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1991 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Carlos III 1991 Proof KM# 902 QVINTO CENTENARIO M 80000 PTAS 500 coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1991

Value$1.5K - $1.55K

Spain 80 000 Pesetas (Mint of Segovia) 80.000 PESETAS M ESPAÑA coin obverse
Spain 80 000 Pesetas (Mint of Segovia) CASA DE LA MONEDA DE SEGOVIA 1611 HISPANIARVM REX 2001 coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 2001

Spain 80000 Pesetas Hammer minting 1992 Proof KM# 1005 JVAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1992 coin obverse
Spain 80000 Pesetas Hammer minting 1992 Proof KM# 1005 QVINTO CENTENARIO M 80000 PTAS 500 coin reverse

Country Spain

Denomination 80,000 Pesetas


Year 1992


Poland 100 Ducat (Sigismund III) KM# H43 SIGISMVNDVS III D G POLONIAE ET SVECIAE REX coin obverse
Poland 100 Ducat (Sigismund III) KM# H43 MAGNVS DVX LITVAN RVSS PRVSS MAS SAM LIVON ZG coin reverse
Gold 100 Ducat "Sigismund III" 1621 KM# H43
Country Poland
Year 1621
Value: $2.16M
Poland 5 Ducat Sigismund III 1614 Hess-Divo Aution 309, 4-08, XF - $37,785 KM# 7 SIGISMVNDVS III D G REX POLONIAE MAG DVX LIT RVS PRVSSIAE coin obverse
Poland 5 Ducat Sigismund III 1614 Hess-Divo Aution 309, 4-08, XF - $37,785 KM# 7 EX AVRO SOLIDO CIVITAS GEDANENSIS FIERI F coin reverse
Gold 5 Ducat "Sigismund III" 1614 KM# 7
Country Poland
Year 1614
Value $12.5K - $75K
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Sobieski 1685 B KM# 132 IOAN III D C REX POL M D L R P coin obverse
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Sobieski 1685 B KM# 132 MONETA AVREA REG POLONIAE 16 85 coin reverse
Gold 2 Ducat "Johann Sobieski" 1681 - 1685 KM# 132
Country Poland
Year 1681 - 1685
Value $6.3K - $32K
Poland 200000 Zlotych John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 190 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 89 MW ZŁ 200000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 200000 Zlotych John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 190 JAN PAWEŁ II E coin reverse
Gold 200000 Zlotych "John Paul II" 1989 Y# 190
Country Poland
Year 1989
Value: $30K
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Casimir 1664 AT KM# 119 IO CASIM D G RE X POL & SVE M D L coin obverse
Poland 2 Ducat Johann Casimir 1664 AT KM# 119 MONETA AVREA REGN POL 1664 coin reverse
Gold 2 Ducat "Johann Casimir" 1662 - 1667 KM# 119
Country Poland
Year 1662 - 1667
Value $3.75K - $29.5K