Austrian Franz Joseph I 5 Corona coins

Filtersresults: 4
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 4 coins
Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1900 KM# 2807 FRANC·IOS·I·D·G·IMP·AVSTR·REX BOH·GAL·ILL·ETC·ET AP·REX HVNG· coin obverse
Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1900 KM# 2807 QUINQUE CORONÆ 5 1900 COR· coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 5 Corona


Year 1900 - 1907

Value$12 - $650

Austria 5 Corona 60th Anniversary of the Franz Joseph I's Reign 1908 KM# 2809 FRANC ∙ IOS ∙ I ∙ D ∙ G ∙ IMP ∙ AVSTR ∙ REX BOH ∙ GAL ∙ ILL ∙ ETC ∙ ET AP ∙ REX HVNG ∙ coin obverse
Austria 5 Corona 60th Anniversary of the Franz Joseph I's Reign 1908 KM# 2809 DVODECIM LVSTRIS 1848 1908 GLORIOSE PERACTIS 5 COR coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 5 Corona


Year 1908

Value$12 - $650

Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1909 KM# 2814 FRANC·IOS·I·D·G·IMP·AVSTR·REX BOH·GAL·ILL·ETC·ET AP·REX HVNG· coin obverse
Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1909 KM# 2814 QVINQUE CORONÆ 5 1909 COR. coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 5 Corona

Obverse Head rightLarge head, right, interrupted legend


Year 1909

Value$12 - $150

Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1909 KM# 2813 FRANZ IOS I D G IMP AVSTR REX BOH GAL ILL ETC ET AP REX HVNG coin obverse
Austria 5 Corona Franz Joseph I 1909 KM# 2813 QUINQUE CORONAE 5 COR 1909 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 5 Corona

Obverse Large bust of Franz Joseph I facing right, continuous legendLarge head, right, continuous legend


Year 1909

Value$12 - $175

Netherlands 1 Gulden (Maxi-Gulden) BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 1 Gulden (Maxi-Gulden) 1 G 2001 coin reverse
1 Gulden "Maxi-Gulden" 2001
Country Netherlands
Year 2001
Netherlands 200 Euro (London) X# 149 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1998 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro (London) X# 149 LONDON 1995 HORATIO NELSON 1758-1805 coin reverse
200 Euro "London" 1998 X# 149
Country Netherlands
Year 1998
Netherlands 200 Euro (Vienna) X# 155 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1999 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro (Vienna) X# 155 MAXIMLIAN I 1459 1519 WIEN 1998 coin reverse
200 Euro "Vienna" 1998 X# 155
Country Netherlands
Year 1998
Netherlands 200 Euro Berlin 1999 X# 156 KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 200 EURO 1999 coin obverse
Netherlands 200 Euro Berlin 1999 X# 156 BERLIN 1999 JOHANN WOLFGANG WON GOETHE 1749-1832 coin reverse
200 Euro "Berlin" 1999 X# 156
Country Netherlands
Year 1999