Austrian Silver 50 Schilling coins

Filtersresults: 22
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 22 coins
Austria 50 Schilling 150th Anniversary - Liberation of Tyrol 1959 Proof KM# 2888 REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH FÜNFZIG SCHILLING coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 150th Anniversary - Liberation of Tyrol 1959 Proof KM# 2888 TIROLER FREIHEIT 1809 1959 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1959

Value$10.5 - $200

Austria 50 Schilling Centennial of the Blue Danube Waltz 1967 Proof KM# 2902 REPUBLIK 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling Centennial of the Blue Danube Waltz 1967 Proof KM# 2902 100 JAHRE DONAUWALZER 1967 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1967

Value$10.5 - $11

Austria 50 Schilling 100th Anniversary - Birth of Dr. Theodor Korner President 1973 Proof KM# 2917 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 100th Anniversary - Birth of Dr. Theodor Korner President 1973 Proof KM# 2917 DR.H.C.THEODOR KÖRNER 1873-1957-1973 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1973


Austria 50 Schilling 350th Anniversary - Salzburg University 1972 Proof KM# 2913 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 350th Anniversary - Salzburg University 1972 Proof KM# 2913 350 JAHRE UNIVERSITÄT SALZBURG THEOL. MEDIC JUS PHIL. PA SF MDCXXII MCMLXII BODLAK ·1622-1972· coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1972


Austria 50 Schilling 500th Anniversary - Bummerl House 1973 Proof KM# 2916 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 500th Anniversary - Bummerl House 1973 Proof KM# 2916 1973 500 JAHRE BUMMERLHAUS IN STEYR coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1973


Austria 50 Schilling Winter Olympics in Innsbruck 1964 KM# 2896 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling Winter Olympics in Innsbruck 1964 KM# 2896 IX·OLYMPISCHE WINDERSPIELE 1964 ·INNSBRUCK· coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1964


Austria 50 Schilling 50th Anniversary of Austrian Broadcasting 1974 KM# 2922 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 50th Anniversary of Austrian Broadcasting 1974 KM# 2922 1924-1974 50 JAHRE OSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1974


Austria 50 Schilling 1200th Salzburg Cathedral 1974 Proof KM# 2921 50 SCHILLING / REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 1200th Salzburg Cathedral 1974 Proof KM# 2921 1200 JAHRE DOM ZU SALZBURG 1974 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1974


Austria 50 Schilling 125th Austrian Police Force 1974 Proof KM# 2920 · REPUBLIK · 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling 125th Austrian Police Force 1974 Proof KM# 2920 1849 -1974 GENDARMERIE IN ÖSTERREICH coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1974


Austria 50 Schilling Vienna International Flower show 1974 Proof KM# 2919 REPUBLIK 50 SCHILLING ÖSTERREICH coin obverse
Austria 50 Schilling Vienna International Flower show 1974 Proof KM# 2919 WIENER INTERNATIONALE ZOBL GARTENSCHAU 1974 coin reverse

Country Austria

Denomination 50 Schilling


Year 1974


Croatia 1 Kuna (Hum) KM# 131 1 KUNA REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA ⰘⰖⰏ coin obverse
Croatia 1 Kuna (Hum) KM# 131 HUM 2022. NAJMANJI GRAD NA SVIJETU AD coin reverse
Gold 1 Kuna "Hum" 2022 KM# 131
Country Croatia
Year 2022
Croatia 10 Kuna Lace-making in Croatia 2012 Proof KM# 100 REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 10 KUNA 2012. coin obverse
Croatia 10 Kuna Lace-making in Croatia 2012 Proof KM# 100 ČIPKARSTVO U HRVATSKOJ coin reverse
Gold 10 Kuna "Lace-making in Croatia" 2012 KM# 100
Country Croatia
Year 2012
Value: $90
Croatia Grosetto Ragusa Coinage 1626 KM# 5 S BLASIVS RAGVSII 16 26 coin obverse
Croatia Grosetto Ragusa Coinage 1626 KM# 5 TVTA SALVS coin reverse
Billon Grosetto "Ragusa Coinage" 1626 - 1761 KM# 5
Country Croatia
Year 1626 - 1761
Value $10 - $110
Croatia Lipa Circulation Coin. Corn 2006 KM# 12 REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 1 LIPA coin obverse
Croatia Lipa Circulation Coin. Corn 2006 KM# 12 ZEA MAYS 2008. KK coin reverse
Aluminum Lipa "Circulation Coin. Corn" 1994 - 2022 KM# 12
Country Croatia
Year 1994 - 2022
Value $0.4 - $3
Croatia Lipa 50 Years of FAO. Corn 1995 KM# 13 REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 1 LIPA coin obverse
Croatia Lipa 50 Years of FAO. Corn 1995 KM# 13 F A O 1945. 1995. FIAT PANIS coin reverse
Aluminum Lipa "50 Years of FAO. Corn" 1995 KM# 13
Country Croatia
Year 1995
Value $0.35 - $1.5