Belarusian Gold 1000 Roubles coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 14
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 14 coins
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Vladimir 2012 Proof KM# C416 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2012 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Vladimir 2012 Proof KM# C416 УЛАДЗІМІРСКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2012


Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Barkalabava 2012 Proof KM# C439 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2012 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Barkalabava 2012 Proof KM# C439 БАРКАЛАБАЎСКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2012


Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Smalensk 2013 Proof KM# C267 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2013 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Smalensk 2013 Proof KM# C267 СМАЛЕНСКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2013


Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Iveron 2013 Proof KM# C509 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2013 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Iveron 2013 Proof KM# C509 ІВЕРСКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2013


Belarus 1000 Roubles The Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of The Sign Orthodox 2014 Proof РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2014 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles The Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of The Sign Orthodox 2014 Proof ЗНАМЕННЕ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2014


Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Minsk 2013 Proof KM# C266 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2013 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Minsk 2013 Proof KM# C266 МІНСКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2013


Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Zhyrovichy 2014 Proof KM# C283 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2014 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Zhyrovichy 2014 Proof KM# C283 ЖЫРОВІЦКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2014


Belarus 1000 Roubles The Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Belynichy Orthodox 2014 Proof РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 2014 coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles The Icon Of The Most Holy Theotokos Of Belynichy Orthodox 2014 Proof БЯЛЫНІЦКАЯ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2014


Belarus 1,000 Rubles The Victory 50 1995 Proof 50 ГОД ПЕРЕМОГІ У ВЯЛІКАЙ АЙЧЫННФЙ ВАЙНЕ 1000 РУБЛЁЎ 1995 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ coin obverse
Belarus 1,000 Rubles The Victory 50 1995 Proof 50 ГОД ПЕРЕМОГІ У ВЯЛІКАЙ АЙЧЫННФЙ ВАЙНЕ 1945 1995 coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 1995

Belarus 1000 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2006 Proof KM# 410 РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ AU 999 2006 1000 РУБЛЁЎ coin obverse
Belarus 1000 Roubles Belarusian Ballet 2006 Proof KM# 410 БАЛЕТ БЕЛАРУСКІ coin reverse

Country Belarus

Denomination 1,000 Roubles


Year 2006


Russia Kopek (Vasilii IV) KM# 22 coin obverse
Russia Kopek (Vasilii IV) KM# 22 ЦРЬ ИВЕ ЛИКЇ И КНSЬ ВАСИЛЇИВА НОВИЧЬВ СЕА РУ СЇИ coin reverse
Gold Kopek "Vasilii IV" 1606 - 1610 KM# 22
Country Russia
Year 1606 - 1610
Value $700 - $5K
Russia 4 Dukats Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel) ND (1613-1645)  МИХАИИЛЪ ѲЕОДОРОВИЧЬ ВСЕА РУСИИ САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ coin obverse
Russia 4 Dukats Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel) ND (1613-1645)  БОЖИЕЮ МИЛОСТИЮ ВЕЛИКІЙ ЦРЬ И ВЕЛИКИЙ КNSЬ * coin reverse
Gold 4 Dukats "Mikhail Fyodorovich (Novodel)" 1613 - 1645
Country Russia
Year 1613 - 1645
Value: $15.2K
Russia Kopek (Michael I) KM# 53 ПГ coin obverse
Russia Kopek (Michael I) KM# 53 ЦРЬ IВЕ ЛIКI КНSЬ МIХАIЛАОВ ДОРОВIЧЬ ВСЕА РУ СIИ coin reverse
Silver Kopek "Michael I" 1613 - 1645 KM# 53
Country Russia
Year 1613 - 1645
Value $25 - $200
Russia Polushka (Aleksei) KM# 40 coin obverse
Russia Polushka (Aleksei) KM# 40 coin reverse
Gold Polushka "Aleksei" 1645 - 1676 KM# 40
Country Russia
Year 1645 - 1676
Value $550 - $3.85K