Exclusive low mintage Brazilian coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 1046
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 1046 coins
Brazil 640 Reis (Pedro II Pattern) PETRVS. II. D. G. PORTVG. REXD. BR. 640 1695 coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis (Pedro II Pattern) TERRAS. CRVCIS. SVBILL. VICTRIX 1695 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)


Year 1695

Brazil 50 Reis (Reform Coinage) KM# 482a 1871 IMPERIO DO BRAZIL coin obverse
Brazil 50 Reis (Reform Coinage) KM# 482a 50 RÉIS DECRETO N°1817 DE 3 DE SETEMBRO DE 1870 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 50 Reals (Reis)


Year 1871

Brazil 320 Reis Pedro II 1833 R KM# 390 PETRUS.II.D.G.CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF 320 1833 R coin obverse
Brazil 320 Reis Pedro II 1833 R KM# 390 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 320 Reals (Reis)


Year 1833

Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS1 REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL LIBERTAS coin obverse
Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS1 TRIAL STRIKE 1500 2000 LB 5°. CENTENARIO DO DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2 Ounces


Year 2000

Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS2 REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL coin obverse
Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS2 TRIAL STRIKE 1500 2000 LB 5°. CENTENARIO DO DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2 Ounces


Year 2000

Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary of the Discovery of Brazil. Trial Strike) X# TS3 TRIAL STRIKE 1500 2000 REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL coin obverse
Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary of the Discovery of Brazil. Trial Strike) X# TS3 PEDRO ALVARES CABRAL LB 2000 5°. CENTENARIO DO DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2 Ounces


Year 2000

Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS4 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL coin obverse
Brazil 2 Ounce (500th Anniversary Discovery of Brazil Trial Strike) X# TS4 TRIAL STRIKE 1500 2000 LB 5°. CENTENARIO DO DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 2 Ounces


Year 2000

Brazil 6400 Reis Pedro I Coronation 1822 Spink London No. 52, 6-86 near XF - $87,000; Spink Am. Norweb 3-97 choice VF - $82,500; Am.Num.Rar. Eliasberg , 4-05, VF - $69,000 KM# 361 PETRUS. I. D. G. BRASILIÆ. IMPERATOR - 1822 R coin obverse
Brazil 6400 Reis Pedro I Coronation 1822 Spink London No. 52, 6-86 near XF - $87,000; Spink Am. Norweb 3-97 choice VF - $82,500; Am.Num.Rar. Eliasberg , 4-05, VF - $69,000 KM# 361 IN HOC SIG VIN coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 6400 Reals (Reis)


Year 1822

Brazil 640 Reis Pedro II 1832 R KM# 384 PETRUS.II.D.G.CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF 640 1833 R coin obverse
Brazil 640 Reis Pedro II 1832 R KM# 384 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 640 Reals (Reis)


Year 1832 - 1833

Brazil 4000 Reis Pedro II 1833/2 R KM# 386.1 PETRUS.II.D.G.CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF 1833.R coin obverse
Brazil 4000 Reis Pedro II 1833/2 R KM# 386.1 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES 4000 coin reverse

Country Brazil

Denomination 4000 Reals (Reis)


Year 1832 - 1833

Value$4.5K - $12.5K

UK 5 Guineas Queen Anne 1703 KM# 520.1 ANNA ∙ DEI ∙ GRATIA ∙ coin obverse
UK 5 Guineas Queen Anne 1703 KM# 520.1 MAG BR ∙ FRA ET ∙ HIB REG ∙ coin reverse
Gold 5 Guineas "Queen Anne" 1703 KM# 520.1
Country Great Britain
Year 1703
Value $27.5K - $200K
UK Sovereign George III 1820 KM# 674 GEORGIUS III D.F. BRITANNIAR. REX F.D. coin obverse
UK Sovereign George III 1820 KM# 674 HONI ∙ SOIT ∙ QUI ∙ MAL ∙ Y ∙ PENSE coin reverse
Gold Sovereign "George III" 1817 - 1820 KM# 674
Country Great Britain
Year 1817 - 1820
Value $240 - $125K
UK Half Crown George VI 1949 KM# 879 GEORGIVS VI D: G: BR: OMN: REX coin obverse
UK Half Crown George VI 1949 KM# 879 ∙ FID∙ ∙DEF ∙ GG GG HALF CROWN *YEAR* coin reverse
Half Crown "George VI" 1949 - 1952 KM# 879
Country Great Britain
Year 1949 - 1952
Value $0.5 - $100K
UK One Penny Elizabeth II 1963 Proof KM# 897 +ELIZABETH∙II∙DEI∙GRATIA∙REGINA∙F:D: coin obverse
UK One Penny Elizabeth II 1963 Proof KM# 897 ONE PENNY *YEAR* coin reverse
One Penny "Elizabeth II" 1954 - 1970 KM# 897
Country Great Britain
Year 1954 - 1970
Value $0.15 - $100K
UK One Penny George VI 1951 Proof KM# 869 GEORGIVS VI D:G:BR:OMN:REX FIDEI DEF. HP coin obverse
UK One Penny George VI 1951 Proof KM# 869 ONE PENNY *YEAR* coin reverse
One Penny "George VI" 1949 - 1952 KM# 869
Country Great Britain
Year 1949 - 1952
Value $0.25 - $100K
UK One Penny George V 1930 KM# 838 GEORGIVS V DEI GRA:BRITT:OMN:REX FID:DEF:IND:IMP: coin obverse
UK One Penny George V 1930 KM# 838 ONE PENNY *YEAR* coin reverse
One Penny "George V" 1928 - 1936 KM# 838
Country Great Britain
Year 1928 - 1936
Value $0.5 - $100K