French Copper-Aluminum-Nickel 10 Francs coins

Filtersresults: 3
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 3 coins
France 10 Francs (Bicentenary of the First Balloon Flight) RÉPVBLIQVE FRANÇAISE 10 FRANCS 1983 coin obverse
France 10 Francs (Bicentenary of the First Balloon Flight) CONQVÊTE DE L'ESPACE D.PONCE 1783 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 10 Francs


Year 1983

France 10 Francs Francois Rude. Piedfort 1984 c+d 184 KM# P919 FRANÇOIS RUDE 1784-1855 coin obverse
France 10 Francs Francois Rude. Piedfort 1984 c+d 184 KM# P919 10 FRANCS JP. GENDIS 1984 coin reverse

Country France

Denomination 10 Francs


Year 1984

France 10 Francs (Victor Hugo Piedfort) VICTOR HUGO 1885 1985 C.LESOT coin reverse
France 10 Francs (Victor Hugo Piedfort) 10 FRANCS VICTOR HUGO RÉPUBLIQUE 1985 FRANÇAISE coin obverse

Country France

Denomination 10 Francs


Year 1985

New Zealand One Penny (1857) KM# Tn72 Trade Tokens WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL BAKERS CONFECTIONERS AND GROSERS coin obverse
New Zealand One Penny (1857) KM# Tn72 Trade Tokens ONE PENNY TOKEN coin reverse
One Penny Trade Tokens 1857 KM# Tn72
Country New Zealand
Year 1857
Value $25K - $40K
New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2017 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof KOTAHI RAU E RIMA TEKAU TARA ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS coin reverse
5 Oz Gold Hundred and Fifty Dollars "Taniwha" 2017
Country New Zealand
Year 2017
Value: $12.3K
New Zealand Crown Proposed Royal Visit 1949 Proof KM# 22 KING GEORGE THE SIXTH coin obverse
New Zealand Crown Proposed Royal Visit 1949 Proof KM# 22 NEW ZEALAND CROWN 1949 ∙ coin reverse
Silver Crown "Proposed Royal Visit" 1949 KM# 22
Country New Zealand
Year 1949
Value $7.25 - $12K
New Zealand Crown Waitangi 1935 KM# 6 GEORGE V KING EMPEROR coin obverse
New Zealand Crown Waitangi 1935 KM# 6 NEW ZEALAND CROWN+1935 WAITANGI coin reverse
Silver Crown "Waitangi" 1935 KM# 6
Country New Zealand
Year 1935
Value $1.2K - $9.5K
New Zealand Half Penny 1965 KM# A23 Pre-Decimal coins +ELIZABETH∙II∙DEI∙GRATIA∙REGINA∙F:D: coin obverse
New Zealand Half Penny 1965 KM# A23 Pre-Decimal coins NEW ZEALAND HALF PENNY ∙1965∙ coin reverse
Half Penny Pre-Decimal coins 1965 KM# A23
Country New Zealand
Year 1965
Value: $7.25K
New Zealand 1 Penny Victoria. Pattern 1879 X# Pn1 VICTORIA QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN coin obverse
New Zealand 1 Penny Victoria. Pattern 1879 X# Pn1 NEW ZEALAND 1879 coin reverse
1 Penny "Victoria. Pattern" 1879 X# Pn1
Country New Zealand
Year 1879
Value: $5.25K