Great Britain 1/2 Crown (2-1/2 Shillings) 1648 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 8
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 8 coins
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 113.1 ∙CAROLVSD∙G∙MAG∙BRI∙FR∙ET∙HI∙REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 113.1 CHRIS TO∙AVS PICE∙R EGNO coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$100 - $750

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 114 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BR:FR:ET∙HIB:REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 114 ∙CHRISTO∙AVSPICE∙REGNO∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$60 - $400

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 116.1 ∙:∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FR:ET∙HIB:REX∙:∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 116.1 ∙CHRISTO∙AVSPICE∙RENO∙ C R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Reverse Arms with C-R at the top in the inner circle.Arms with C-R at the top in the inner circle.


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$50 - $350

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I Knight (1625-1649) Tower KM# 116.2 CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT FRA ET HIB REX coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I Knight (1625-1649) Tower KM# 116.2 CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO C R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Reverse C R divided by plume above the shield, legend aroundC-R divided by plume


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$90 - $600

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 117 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 117 ∙CHRISTO∙AVSPICE∙REGNO∙ C R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Obverse Horseman left.Horseman left.

Reverse Arms divide C-R.Arms divide C-R.


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$50 - $650

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 119 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET∙HIB∙REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I (1625-1649) Tower KM# 119 ∙CHRISTO∙AVSPICE∙REGNO∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Obverse The horse without ornamentation, sword in the vertical position.The horse without ornamentation, sword in the vertical position.

Reverse Garnished round arms in the inner circle.Garnished round arms in the inner circle.


Year 1625 - 1649

Value$45 - $650

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I Tower mint (1625-1649) Tower KM# 120.2 CAROLVS D G MAG BRI FRA ET HIB REX coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I Tower mint (1625-1649) Tower KM# 120.2 CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Obverse Cloak flows from king's shoulderCloak flows from king’s shoulder


Note Mintmark - Tower

Year 1625 - 1649

Value$45 - $650

UK 1/2 Crown Charles I ND Tower Struck under Parliament. KM# 124 ∙CAROLVS∙D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown Charles I ND Tower Struck under Parliament. KM# 124 ∙CHRISTO∙AVSPICE∙REGNO∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)

Obverse Tall horse.Tall horse.

Reverse Garnished shield of Arms.Garnished shield of Arms.


Year 1645 - 1648

Value$35 - $600

Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Reform Coinage 1969 - 1979 KM# 44a
Country Finland
Year 1969 - 1979
Value $0.2 - $2
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage 5 PENNIÄ coin reverse
5 Pennia Reform Coinage 1977 - 1990 KM# 45a
Country Finland
Year 1977 - 1990
Value $0.15 - $1
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Decimal Coinage 1919 - 1924 KM# 23
Country Finland
Year 1919 - 1924
Value $0.25 - $4
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
10 Pennia Reform Coinage 1983 - 1990 KM# 46a
Country Finland
Year 1983 - 1990
Value $0.1 - $1
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage 25 PENNIÄ coin reverse
25 Pennia Decimal Coinage 1943 - 1945 KM# 25b
Country Finland
Year 1943 - 1945
Value $0.15 - $12
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
10 Pennia "Hole center" 1943 - 1945 KM# 34.1
Country Finland
Year 1943 - 1945
Value $0.1 - $10