Great Britain 1615 coins

Filtersresults: 39
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 39 coins
UK Crown James VI ND KM# 24 IA D G MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX coin obverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Crown (5 Shillings)


Year 1609 - 1625

Value$250 - $3.5K

UK 1/2 Angel James I (1604-1619) KM# 43 ∙IACOBVSD:G:MA:BRI:FRA:ET∙HI:REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1/2 Angel James I (1604-1619) KM# 43 ∙A∙DNO∙FACTVM∙EST∙ISTVD∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Angel


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$1.35K - $11.5K

UK Angel James I ND KM# 44 ∙IACOBVS:D:G:MA:BRI:FR:ET:HI:REX∙ coin obverse
UK Angel James I ND KM# 44 ∙A∙DNO∙FACTVM∙EST∙ISTVD∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Angel


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$600 - $6K

UK Spur Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 41 IACOBSV∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRAN:ET HIB:REX coin obverse
UK Spur Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 41 ∙A∙DNO:FACTVM∙EST∙ISTVD∙ET∙EST∙MIRABILE∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Spur Ryal


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$3K - $24K

UK Rose Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 42 IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRAN:ET∙HIBER:REX∙ coin obverse
UK Rose Ryal James I (1604-1619) KM# 42 A∙DNO∙FACTVM∙EST∙ISTVD∙ET∙EST∙MIRAB∙IN∙OCVLIS∙NRIS coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Pound (1/2 Laurel)


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$1.8K - $15K

UK 1 Unite James I (1604-1619) KM# 45 IACOBVS∙MAG∙BRIT∙FRAN∙ET∙HIB∙REX∙ coin obverse
UK 1 Unite James I (1604-1619) KM# 45 FACIAM∙EOS∙IN∙GENTEM∙VNAM∙ I R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Unite

Obverse Second crowned bust of James I right.Second crowned bust of James I


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$400 - $3K

UK 1 Unite James I (1604-1619) KM# 46 IACOBVS MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIB REX coin obverse
UK 1 Unite James I (1604-1619) KM# 46 FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM VNAM I R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Unite

Obverse Fourth crowned bust of James I right.Fourth crowned bust of James I


Year 1605 - 1615

Value$350 - $2.75K

UK Unite James I (Fifth bust) (1604-1619) KM# 47 IACOBVS∙MAG∙BRIT∙FRAN∙ET∙HIB∙REX∙ coin obverse
UK Unite James I (Fifth bust) (1604-1619) KM# 47 FACIAM∙EOS∙IN∙GENTEM∙VNAM∙ I R coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Unite

Obverse Fifth crowned bust of James I right.Fifth crowned bust of James I


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$350 - $2.75K

UK Unite Charles I 1648 Second Issue: In the name of Charles II. Legend varieties exist. KM# 385 DVM:SPIRO:SPERO∙ C∙R coin obverse
UK Unite Charles I 1648 Second Issue: In the name of Charles II. Legend varieties exist. KM# 385 P C 1648 OBS coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Unite


Year 1601 - 1700

UK 1/2 Crown James VI ND KM# 22 I D G ROSA SINE SPINA coin obverse
UK 1/2 Crown James VI ND KM# 22 TVEATVR VNITA DEVS coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 crown (2-1/2 shillings)


Year 1609 - 1629

Value$150 - $2.4K

Greece 1 Lepton George I 1900 A KM# 1 ΚΡΗΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ 1900 Α ΒΟΡΡΕΛ coin obverse
Greece 1 Lepton George I 1900 A KM# 1 1 ΛΕΠΤΟΝ coin reverse
1 Lepton "George I" 1900 - 1901 KM# 1
Country Greece
Year 1900 - 1901
Value $8 - $300
Greece 5 Lepta Wheat 1971 1971 dated coins have smaller hole at center KM# 77 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 1971 coin obverse
Greece 5 Lepta Wheat 1971 1971 dated coins have smaller hole at center KM# 77 5 ΛΕΠΤΑ coin reverse
5 Lepta "Wheat" 1954 - 1971 KM# 77
Country Greece
Year 1954 - 1971
Value $0.25 - $5.5
Greece 1 Lepton Royal Shield 1832 KM# 13 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ coin obverse
Greece 1 Lepton Royal Shield 1832 KM# 13 1 ΛΕΠΤΟΝ 1832 coin reverse
1 Lepton "Royal Shield" 1832 - 1843 KM# 13
Country Greece
Year 1832 - 1843
Value $25 - $3.6K
Greece 1 Lepton Royal Shield 1857 KM# 30 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ coin obverse
Greece 1 Lepton Royal Shield 1857 KM# 30 1 ΛΕΠΤΟΝ 1851 coin reverse
1 Lepton "Royal Shield" 1851 - 1857 KM# 30
Country Greece
Year 1851 - 1857
Value $50 - $1.5K
Greece 1 Lepton George I 1869 BB KM# 40 ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ 1869 coin obverse
Greece 1 Lepton George I 1869 BB KM# 40 1 ΛΕΠΤΟΝ coin reverse
1 Lepton "George I" 1869 - 1870 KM# 40
Country Greece
Year 1869 - 1870
Value $5 - $1.5K
Greece 20 Lepta George I 1874 A KM# 44 ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ Α! ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΒΑΡΡΕ coin obverse
Greece 20 Lepta George I 1874 A KM# 44 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 20 ΛΕΠΤΑ 1874 Α coin reverse
Silver 20 Lepta "George I" 1874 - 1883 KM# 44
Country Greece
Year 1874 - 1883
Value $5 - $2.5K