Great Britain James I 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence) coins

Filtersresults: 6
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 6 coins
UK Shilling James I (Second bust) (ND) KM# 14 ∙IACOBVS∙D:G:ANG:SCO:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I (Second bust) (ND) KM# 14 ∙EXVRGAY∙DEVS∙DISSIPENTVR∙INIMICI∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)

Obverse Second bust (pointed beard resting on chest) of James I.Second bust (pointed beard resting on chest) of James I.


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$50 - $850

UK Shilling James I ND KM# 27 ∙IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I ND KM# 27 ∙QVÆ∙DEVS∙CONIVNXIT∙NEMO∙SEPARET∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)


Year 1603 - 1625

Value$45 - $850

UK Shilling James I (Fifth bust) ND KM# 28 ∙IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I (Fifth bust) ND KM# 28 ∙QVÆ∙DEVS∙CONIVNXIT∙NEMO∙SEPARET∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)

Obverse Fifth bust (longer hair) of James I.Fifth bust (longer hair) of James I.


Year 1606 - 1613

Value$50 - $850

UK Shilling James I (First bust) (1604-1619) Thistle First Coinage. KM# 13 ∙IACOBVS∙D:G:ANG:SCO:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I (First bust) (1604-1619) Thistle First Coinage. KM# 13 ∙EXVRGAT∙DEVS∙DISSIPENTVR∙INIMICI∙ coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)

Obverse First bust (square beard) of James I right with value behind the head in the inner circle.First bust (square beard) of James I


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$50 - $600

UK Shilling James I (1604-1619) Second Coinage KM# 26 ∙IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRIT:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX∙ XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I (1604-1619) Second Coinage KM# 26 QVÆ∙DEVS∙CONIVNXIT∙NEMO∙SEPARET coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)

Obverse Third bust (square beard that stands out) of James I.Third bust (square beard that stands out) of James I.


Year 1604 - 1619

Value$50 - $800

UK Shilling James I ND Third Coinage. KM# 59 IACOBVS∙D:G:MAG:BRI:FRA:ET∙HIB:REX XII coin obverse
UK Shilling James I ND Third Coinage. KM# 59 QVÆ DEVS CONIVNXIT NEMO SEPARET coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)

Obverse Sixth bust (longer and very curly hair) of James I.Sixth bust (longer and very curly hair) of James I.


Year 1619 - 1625

Value$55 - $900