Dutch 1/2 Daalder 1626 coins

Filtersresults: 7
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 7 coins
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder Friesland Province Lion 1626 Lion Rev mintmark KM# 12.3 MO ARG PRO CON BRI FRI 16 26 coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder Friesland Province Lion 1626 Lion Rev mintmark KM# 12.3 CONFI DENS DNO NON MOVETVR coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Year 1601 - 1700

Value$12 - $550

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder 1608 KM# 13.1 Gelderland Province Standart Coinage MO NO ARG PRO CON - FOE BEL GEL coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder 1608 KM# 13.1 Gelderland Province Standart Coinage CONFIDENS DNO NON MOVETVR 1608 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Year 1606 - 1637

Value$12 - $800

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder (Holland Province Lion) KM# 16 MO ARG PRO CON FOE BELG HOL coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder (Holland Province Lion) KM# 16 CONFIDENS DNO NON MOVETVR 1616 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder

Obverse Armored knight facing right, lion shield below, legend aroundLegend: MO NO ARG PRO CON - FOE BELG HOL


Note Holland Province

Year 1606 - 1653

Value$20 - $600

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder Rampant Lion 1616 KM# 11.1 MO ARG PRO CON FOE BELG TRAN coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder Rampant Lion 1616 KM# 11.1 CONFIDENS DNO NON MOVETVRI 1616 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Year 1606 - 1643

Value$35 - $375

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder 1626 KM# 12 Utrecht Province MO ARG PRO CONFO BELG TRAIEC coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder 1626 KM# 12 Utrecht Province CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCVNT 16 20 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Year 1606 - 1650

Value$20 - $550

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder (Rampant Lion) KM# 22.1 MO ARG PRO CONFOE BELG WEST coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder (Rampant Lion) KM# 22.1 CONFIDENS DNO NON MOVETVR coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Year 1616 - 1648

Value$35 - $600

Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder KM# 30 Zeeland Province Standard Coinage coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Lion Daalder KM# 30 Zeeland Province Standard Coinage coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Daalder


Note Zeeland Province

Year 1609 - 1653

Value$50 - $800

Cyprus Euro Cent Moufflon 2008 KM# 78 ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 2008 KIBRIS coin obverse
Cyprus Euro Cent Moufflon 2008 KM# 78 1 EURO CENT LL coin reverse
Euro Cent "Moufflon" 2008 - 2024 KM# 78
Country Cyprus
Year 2008 - 2024
Value $0.35 - $0.75
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS 1960 ∙ 1983 ∙ coin obverse
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 1 coin reverse
Cent "Type 1 coat of arms solid value number" 1983 KM# 53.1
Country Cyprus
Year 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms bordered value number 1990 KM# 53.2 CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS ∙ 1988 coin obverse
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms bordered value number 1990 KM# 53.2 1 coin reverse
Cent "Type 1 coat of arms bordered value number" 1985 - 1990 KM# 53.2
Country Cyprus
Year 1985 - 1990
Value $0.1 - $0.45
Cyprus Cent Type 2 coat of arms 1998 KM# 53.3 CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS ∙ 1991 coin obverse
Cyprus Cent Type 2 coat of arms 1998 KM# 53.3 1 coin reverse
Cent "Type 2 coat of arms" 1991 - 2004 KM# 53.3
Country Cyprus
Year 1991 - 2004
Value $0.1 - $0.45
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 VICTORIA∙DEI∙GRA∙BRITT∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙IND∙IMP∙ coin obverse
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 CYPRUS 1901 3 PIASTRES coin reverse
Silver 3 Piastres "Victoria" 1901 KM# 4
Country Cyprus
Year 1901
Value $30 - $1.75K
Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ • KIBRIS CUMHURYETI 1963 1960 coin obverse
Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic 1 coin reverse
Mil Republic 1963 - 1972 KM# 38
Country Cyprus
Year 1963 - 1972
Value $1 - $2