Dutch 1 Ducat 1661 coins

Filtersresults: 18
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 18 coins
Netherlands Ducat KM# 16 West Friesland Province Trade Coinage CONCORDIA RES PAR VAE CRES WEST F 16 49 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat KM# 16 West Friesland Province Trade Coinage MO ORDI ROVIN FOE DER BELG AD LEG IMP coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat

Obverse Ruler standing facing divides date in dotted inner circle.Legend: CONCORDIA RES PAR - VAE - CRES(CVNT) WEST(F)


Note West Friesland Province

Year 1607 - 1675

Value$150 - $700

Netherlands Ducat 1650 KM# 5.1 Gelderland Province Trade Coinage : CONCORDIA RES P AR CRES GEL 16 50 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat 1650 KM# 5.1 Gelderland Province Trade Coinage MO ORD PROVIN FOED ETR BELG AD LEG IMP coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat

Obverse Armored knight standing right holding sword on shoulder and bundle of arrowsLegend: CONCORDIA RES - P - AR(VA) CRES GE (L)


Note Gelderland Province.

Year 1637 - 1686

Value$140 - $800

Netherlands Ducat 1612 KM# 7 Overijssel Province Trade Coinage CONCORDIA RES - PAR - VAE CRES TRA 16 12 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat 1612 KM# 7 Overijssel Province Trade Coinage MO ORDI PROVIN FOEDER BELG AD LEG IMP coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat

Obverse Knight standing right divides date in inner circleLegend: CONCORDIA RES - PAR - VAE CRES TRA


Note Overijssel Province

Year 1603 - 1666

Value$120 - $650

Netherlands Ducat Standing Armored Knight Holland Province 1668 KM# 43 MO NO ARG PRO CON - FOE BELG HOL 16 68 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat Standing Armored Knight Holland Province 1668 KM# 43 CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCVNT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1659 - 1670

Value$20 - $400

Netherlands Ducat 1662 KM# 48.1 Utrecht Province MO NO ARG PRO CON FOE BELG TRAJ 16 62 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat 1662 KM# 48.1 Utrecht Province CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCVNT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1659 - 1674

Value$50 - $600

Netherlands Ducat 1659 Sun KM# 36.1 Overijssel Province Standard Coinage MO NO ARG PRO CONF BELG TRAN 16 59 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat 1659 Sun KM# 36.1 Overijssel Province Standard Coinage CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCUNT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1659 - 1664

Value$40 - $450

Netherlands Ducat (Ferdinand II) KM# 34 FARDINAN II G RIHON BOR 1639 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat (Ferdinand II) KM# 34 MONE AVREA CIVITA ZWOL coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1633 - 1676

Value$180 - $1.2K

Netherlands 1 Ducat (Jobst Maximilian) KM# 14 MO NO AV IVST MAX C A BR IN GR 6 4 coin obverse
Netherlands 1 Ducat (Jobst Maximilian) KM# 14 ET EB LB IN BAT D IN ALP ET HON IVSTVS VI PALMA FLORE BIT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1641 - 1664

Netherlands Ducat 1659 KM# 40 Zeeland Province Standard Coinage MO NO ARG PRO CON FOE BELG CO ZEL 16 61 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat 1659 KM# 40 Zeeland Province Standard Coinage CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCUNT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1659 - 1668

Value$55 - $500

Netherlands Ducat (Klippe) KM# 36 CONCORDIA RES PA RV AE CRES WEST F 16 38 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat (Klippe) KM# 36 MO ORDI PROVIN FOEDER BELG AD LEG IMP coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1635 - 1662

Value$2.75K - $3.35K

New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2017 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof KOTAHI RAU E RIMA TEKAU TARA ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS coin reverse
5 Oz Gold Hundred and Fifty Dollars "Taniwha" 2017
Country New Zealand
Year 2017
Value: $12.3K
New Zealand $10 (Pukaki) KM# 275 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2004 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 (Pukaki) KM# 275 $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Pukaki" 2004 KM# 275
Country New Zealand
Year 2004
Value: $5K
New Zealand Ten Dollars Maori Art - Hei Matau 2012 (u) Proof KM# 353 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II coin obverse
New Zealand Ten Dollars Maori Art - Hei Matau 2012 (u) Proof KM# 353 HEI MATAU TEN DOLLARS TEKAU TARA coin reverse
Gold Ten Dollars "Maori Art - Hei Matau" 2012 KM# 353
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.95K
New Zealand $10 Bilbo Baggins 2012 Proof KM# 368 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II IRB 2012 coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Bilbo Baggins 2012 Proof KM# 368 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Bilbo Baggins" 2012 KM# 368
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.7K
New Zealand $10 Gandalf 2012 Proof KM# 369 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABEETH II 2012 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Gandalf 2012 Proof KM# 369 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Gandalf" 2012 KM# 369
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.5K
New Zealand $10 Thorin Oakenshield 2012 Proof KM# 370 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2012 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Thorin Oakenshield 2012 Proof KM# 370 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Thorin Oakenshield" 2012 KM# 370
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.5K