Dutch 1898 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 11
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 11 coins
Netherlands Cent Wilhelmina I 1896 Halberd KM# 107.2 KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 1898 coin obverse
Netherlands Cent Wilhelmina I 1896 Halberd KM# 107.2 1 CENT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Cent


Note Privy mark: Halbert

Year 1892 - 1900

Value$2 - $260

Netherlands 1/2 Cent Wilhelmina I 1891 Halberd KM# 109.2 KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 1898 coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Cent Wilhelmina I 1891 Halberd KM# 109.2 1/2 CENT coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1/2 Cent

Obverse Crowned rampant lion left on field of 17 small shields all within beaded circle, date belowCrowned rampant lion left on field of 17 small shields all within beaded circle, date below


Note Privy mark: Halberd

Year 1891 - 1901

Value$4 - $180

Netherlands Ducat Wilhelmina I 1921 Halberd KM# 83.1a CONCORDIA RES PARVAE CRESCUNT 1927 coin obverse
Netherlands Ducat Wilhelmina I 1921 Halberd KM# 83.1a MO. AUR. REG. BELGII AD LEGEM IMPERII. coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Ducat


Year 1894 - 1937

Value$152 - $6K

Netherlands 10 Cents Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 119 WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Cents Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 119 10 CENTS 1901 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Cents

Metal Silver

Year 1898 - 1901

Value$25 - $400

Netherlands Gulden Wilhelmina I 1901 Halberd KM# 122.1 WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands Gulden Wilhelmina I 1901 Halberd KM# 122.1 MUNT VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 1901 100 C. 1898 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 1 Gulden

Reverse Crowned arms divide valueCrowned arms with 100 C. below shield


Year 1898 - 1901

Value$25 - $1K

Netherlands 25 Cents Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 120.1 WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 25 Cents Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 120.1 25 CENTS 1901 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 25 Cents

Obverse Bust with wide truncationBust with wide truncation

Metal Silver

Year 1898 - 1901

Value$75 - $1.25K

Netherlands 1/2 Gulden Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 121.1 WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 1/2 Gulden Wilhelmina 1898 Halberd KM# 121.1 18 98 MUNT VAN HET KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 1/2 G coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Stuivers (1/2 Gulden)

Reverse Crowned arms divides valueCrowned Arms with 50 C. below shield

Metal Silver

Year 1898

Value$40 - $1K

Netherlands 2 1/2 Gulden Wilhelmina 1898 P P.Pander KM# 123 WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 2 1/2 Gulden Wilhelmina 1898 P P.Pander KM# 123 18 98 MUNT VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 2 1/2 G coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 Guldens

Metal Silver

Weight 25 g.

Year 1898

Value$200 - $4K

Netherlands 10 Guldens Wilhelmina I 1898 P Pander KM# 124 KONINGIN WILHELMINA GOD ZIJ MET ONS coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Guldens Wilhelmina I 1898 P Pander KM# 124 KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 10 G 1898 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1898

Value$375 - $725

Netherlands 2-1/2 Gulden (Wilhelmina Pattern) WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 2-1/2 Gulden (Wilhelmina Pattern) 18 98 MUNT VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN 2½ G coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 2-1/2 Guldens


Year 1898

Slovakia 5 Korun 1939 Approximately 2,000,000 pieces were melted down by the Czechoslovak National Bank in 1947 KM# 2 Republic (1939-1945) PÄŤ KORÚN 5 SLOVENSKÝCH 1939 coin obverse
Slovakia 5 Korun 1939 Approximately 2,000,000 pieces were melted down by the Czechoslovak National Bank in 1947 KM# 2 Republic (1939-1945) ZA BOHA ŽIVOT ∙ ZA NÁROD SLOBODU coin reverse
5 Korun Republic (1939-1945) 1939 KM# 2
Country Slovakia
Year 1939
Value $1.5 - $12
Slovakia 20 Korun Jozef Tiso 1939 KM# 3 SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA 20 KS coin obverse
Slovakia 20 Korun Jozef Tiso 1939 KM# 3 DR. JOZEF TISO-PRVÝ PREZIDENT SLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKY ∙26.X.1939∙ coin reverse
Silver 20 Korun "Jozef Tiso" 1939 KM# 3
Country Slovakia
Year 1939
Value $9 - $30
Slovakia 2 Ks Trial Strike 1939 RR SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA 1939 coin obverse
Slovakia 2 Ks Trial Strike 1939 RR 2 KS coin reverse
2 Ks "Trial Strike" 1939
Country Slovakia
Year 1939
Value: $3
Slovakia 5 Korun (Andrej Hlinka. Pattern) PÄT KORÚN 5 SLOVENSKÝCH coin obverse
Slovakia 5 Korun (Andrej Hlinka. Pattern) ZA BOHA ŽIVOT ZA NÁROD SLOBODU coin reverse
5 Korun "Andrej Hlinka. Pattern" 1939
Country Slovakia
Year 1939