Polish Silver 10000 Zlotych coins

Filtersresults: 7
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 7 coins
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1987 MW Y# 164 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 87 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1987 MW Y# 164 JAN PAWEŁ II coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1987

Value$30 - $95

Poland 10000 Zlotych 10th Anniversary of the Election of Pope Ioannes Paulus II 1988 MW Y# 177A POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 88 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych 10th Anniversary of the Election of Pope Ioannes Paulus II 1988 MW Y# 177A JAN PAWEŁ II X LAT PONTYFIKATU E coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1988

Value$700 - $800

Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1988 MW Proof Y# 179 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 88 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1988 MW Proof Y# 179 E JAN PAWEŁ II coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1988

Value$400 - $450

Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1989 MW Y# 189A POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 89 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1989 MW Y# 189A JAN PAWEŁ II E coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1989

Value$500 - $600

Poland 10000 Zlotych (John Paul II) POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 89 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych (John Paul II) JAN PAWEŁ II E coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1989

Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1986 Proof Y# 399 POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA 19 86 CHI ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1986 Proof Y# 399 JAN PAWEŁ II coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1986


Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 237 RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 19 89 MW ZŁ 10000 ZŁ coin obverse
Poland 10000 Zlotych Pope John Paul II 1989 MW Proof Y# 237 JAN PAWEŁ II E coin reverse

Country Poland

Denomination 10000 Zlotych


Year 1989

Value$450 - $500

Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ • KIBRIS CUMHURYETI 1963 1960 coin obverse
Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic 1 coin reverse
Mil Republic 1963 - 1972 KM# 38
Country Cyprus
Year 1963 - 1972
Value $1 - $2
Cyprus 5 Mils Small year 1981 KM# 50.1 KIBRIS 1981 CYPRUS ΚΥΠΡΟΣ coin obverse
Cyprus 5 Mils Small year 1981 KM# 50.1 5 coin reverse
5 Mils "Small year" 1981 KM# 50.1
Country Cyprus
Year 1981
Value $1 - $1.5
Cyprus 5 Mils Large year 1982 KM# 50.2 KIBRIS 1981 CYPRUS ΚΥΠΡΟΣ coin obverse
Cyprus 5 Mils Large year 1982 KM# 50.2 5 coin reverse
5 Mils "Large year" 1982 KM# 50.2
Country Cyprus
Year 1982
Value $1 - $2
Cyprus 1/2 Cent 1983 KM# 52 Reform Coinage CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠPΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS 1960 ∙ 1983 ∙ coin obverse
Cyprus 1/2 Cent 1983 KM# 52 Reform Coinage 1/2 coin reverse
1/2 Cent Reform Coinage 1983 KM# 52
Country Cyprus
Year 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 VICTORIA∙DEI∙GRA∙BRITT∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙IND∙IMP∙ coin obverse
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 CYPRUS 1901 3 PIASTRES coin reverse
Silver 3 Piastres "Victoria" 1901 KM# 4
Country Cyprus
Year 1901
Value $30 - $1.75K
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS 1960 ∙ 1983 ∙ coin obverse
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 1 coin reverse
Cent "Type 1 coat of arms solid value number" 1983 KM# 53.1
Country Cyprus
Year 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5