Portuguese 1777 coins

Filtersresults: 15
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 15 coins
Portugal 5 Reis (V) 1782 KM# 261 Kingdom Milled coinage III DEI GRATIA MARIA I ET PETRUS coin obverse
Portugal 5 Reis (V) 1782 KM# 261 Kingdom Milled coinage PORTVGALIE . ET . ALGARBIORUM . REGES 17V77 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 5 Reis (V Reis)


Year 1777 - 1785

Value$7 - $110

Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1777 KM# 262 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA.I.ET PETRUS III. DEI.GRATIA coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1777 KM# 262 Kingdom Milled coinage PORTUGALIAÆ.ET.ALGARBIORUM.REGINA 17 X 77 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1777 - 1779

Value$7.5 - $200

Portugal 3 Reis (III) 1777 KM# 260 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIAI.ET.PETRUS III.DEI.GRATIA coin obverse
Portugal 3 Reis (III) 1777 KM# 260 Kingdom Milled coinage III PORTUGALIAE ET ALGARBIORUM REGES 1777 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 3 Reis


Year 1777 - 1778

Value$10 - $125

Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) ND KM# 235 Kingdom Milled coinage coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) ND KM# 235 Kingdom Milled coinage coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)


Year 1706 - 1777

Value$15 - $125

Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX) ND KM# 238.1 Kingdom Milled coinage JOSEPHUS I D PORT ET ALG REX LXXX coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX) ND KM# 238.1 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 80 Reis (4 Vintens. LXXX. Tostao)



Year 1750 - 1777

Value$8 - $70

Portugal 80 Reis ND KM# 238.2 Kingdom Milled coinage IOSEPHUS I D G PORT ET ALG REX LXXX coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis ND KM# 238.2 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 80 Reis (4 Vintens. LXXX. Tostao)



Year 1750 - 1777

Value$8 - $70

Portugal 50 Reis (1/2 Tostao) (Maria I and Pedro III) KM# 263 MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PT ALG REGES XXXX coin obverse
Portugal 50 Reis (1/2 Tostao) (Maria I and Pedro III) KM# 263 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 50 Reis (1/2 Tostao)


Year 1777 - 1786

Value$9 - $100

Portugal 60 Reis (3 Vintens) ND KM# 264 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PT ALG REGES coin obverse
Portugal 60 Reis (3 Vintens) ND KM# 264 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 60 Reis (3 Vintens)


Year 1777 - 1786

Value$6 - $70

Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX) ND KM# 265 Kingdom Milled coinage LXXX MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX) ND KM# 265 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 80 Reis (4 Vintens. LXXX. Tostao)


Year 1777

Value$10 - $100

Portugal 120 Reis (6 Vintens) ND KM# 266 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES coin obverse
Portugal 120 Reis (6 Vintens) ND KM# 266 Kingdom Milled coinage IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 120 Reis (6 Vintens)


Year 1777

Value$10 - $105

Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1621 KM# 28 SIGI III D G REX POLO MA D LIT V coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1621 KM# 28 NECNON SVEG GOIVAN HER REX RVSS PRVSS SAMO MASO LIVO coin reverse
Gold 10 Ducats "Sigismund III" 1621 KM# 28
Country Lithuania
Year 1621
Value $35K - $70K
Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1616 KM# 7.2 SIGISMVNDVS III D G REX POVM D LIT coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1616 KM# 7.2 16 66 MO NETA NOVA AVREA M D L coin reverse
Gold 10 Ducats "Sigismund III" 1616 KM# 7.2
Country Lithuania
Year 1616
Value $35K - $60K
Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1622 KM# 29 SIG III D G REX PO MA D LIT VA coin obverse
Lithuania 10 Ducats Sigismund III 1622 KM# 29 16 22 KVS FRVS SAM MAS T V NPC NON SVP GOT V HER coin reverse
Gold 10 Ducats "Sigismund III" 1622 KM# 29
Country Lithuania
Year 1622
Value $25K - $60K
Lithuania 5 Ducats Sigismund III 1622 KM# 27 SIG 3 DG REX POL M DVX.LIT RVSS PRVSS coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Ducats Sigismund III 1622 KM# 27 SA LI NEC NO SVE GOT VAN HAER REX coin reverse
Gold 5 Ducats "Sigismund III" 1622 - 1623 KM# 27
Country Lithuania
Year 1622 - 1623
Value $5.5K - $28.5K
Lithuania 5 Ducats Sigismund III 1621 HT KM# 26 SIGISMVNDVS III D G REX ...MAG DVX LIT coin obverse
Lithuania 5 Ducats Sigismund III 1621 HT KM# 26 16 21 RVS PRVS MA ... coin reverse
Gold 5 Ducats "Sigismund III" 1621 KM# 26
Country Lithuania
Year 1621
Value $6K - $22K
Lithuania Ducat 1666 TLB KM# 56 Trade Coinage coin obverse
Lithuania Ducat 1666 TLB KM# 56 Trade Coinage coin reverse
Gold Ducat Trade Coinage 1666 KM# 56
Country Lithuania
Year 1666
Value $3.2K - $20K