Maria I and Pedro III coins (Portugal)

Filtersresults: 18
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 18 coins
Portugal 5 Reis (V) 1782 KM# 261 Kingdom Milled coinage III DEI GRATIA MARIA I ET PETRUS coin obverse
Portugal 5 Reis (V) 1782 KM# 261 Kingdom Milled coinage PORTVGALIE . ET . ALGARBIORUM . REGES 17V77 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 5 Reis (V Reis)


Year 1777 - 1785

Value$7 - $110

Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1777 KM# 262 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA.I.ET PETRUS III. DEI.GRATIA coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1777 KM# 262 Kingdom Milled coinage PORTUGALIAÆ.ET.ALGARBIORUM.REGINA 17 X 77 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1777 - 1779

Value$7.5 - $200

Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1782 KM# 280 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA I ET PETRVS III DEI GRATIA coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (X) 1782 KM# 280 Kingdom Milled coinage PORTVGALIE . ET . ALGARBIORUM . REGES 17 X 85 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1782 - 1785

Value$4 - $50

Portugal 3 Reis (III) 1777 KM# 260 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIAI.ET.PETRUS III.DEI.GRATIA coin obverse
Portugal 3 Reis (III) 1777 KM# 260 Kingdom Milled coinage III PORTUGALIAE ET ALGARBIORUM REGES 1777 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 3 Reis


Year 1777 - 1778

Value$10 - $125

Portugal 400 Reis (Pinto. 480 Reis) Maria and Pedro III 1779 KM# 273 400 MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES 1781 coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis (Pinto. 480 Reis) Maria and Pedro III 1779 KM# 273 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 400 Reis (Cruzado. Pinto)


Year 1778 - 1784

Value$17.5 - $145

Portugal 4 Escudos (Peca) 1783 KM# 281 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES 1783 coin obverse
Portugal 4 Escudos (Peca) 1783 KM# 281 Kingdom Milled coinage coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Escudos (Peca)


Year 1782 - 1785

Value$575 - $1.15K

Portugal 4 Escudos (Peca) Maria and Pedro III 1781 KM# 271 MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES 1778 coin obverse
Portugal 4 Escudos (Peca) Maria and Pedro III 1781 KM# 271 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4 Escudos (Peca)


Year 1777 - 1785

Value$575 - $1.2K

Portugal 2 Escudos Maria and Pedro III 1778 KM# 274 MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGES coin obverse
Portugal 2 Escudos Maria and Pedro III 1778 KM# 274 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 2 Escudos (1/2 Peca. 3200 Reis)


Year 1778 - 1786

Value$300 - $1.7K

Portugal Escudo 1785 KM# 270 Kingdom Milled coinage MARIA I ET PETRUS III D G PORT ET ALG REGENS 1781 coin obverse
Portugal Escudo 1785 KM# 270 Kingdom Milled coinage coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 1 Escudo


Year 1777 - 1785

Value$160 - $1.25K

Portugal 1000 Reis (Quartinho. 1200 Reis) Maria I and Pedro III 1779 KM# 268 MARIA I Æ PETRUS III D G PRTAEG REGES coin obverse
Portugal 1000 Reis (Quartinho. 1200 Reis) Maria I and Pedro III 1779 KM# 268 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES 1779 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 1,000 Reis (Quartinho. 1200 Reis)


Year 1777 - 1784

Value$150 - $1.5K

Slovenia 30 Euro EU Presidency 2008 Proof KM# 78 30 EURO 2008 SLOVENIJA coin obverse
Slovenia 30 Euro EU Presidency 2008 Proof KM# 78 PREDSEDOVANJE EVROPSKI UNIJI - JANUAR - JUNIJ 2008 FACTA LOQUUNTUR coin reverse
Silver 30 Euro "EU Presidency" 2008 KM# 78
Country Slovenia
Year 2008
Value $125 - $150
Slovenia 30 Euro Valentin Vodnik 2008 Proof KM# 76 SLOVENIJA EURO 30 2008 coin obverse
Slovenia 30 Euro Valentin Vodnik 2008 Proof KM# 76 VALENTIN.VODNIK 1758 1819 NE HÄŒERE NE SINA PO MENI NE BO, DOVOLJ JE SPOMINA: ME PESMI POJO coin reverse
Silver 30 Euro "Valentin Vodnik" 2008 KM# 76
Country Slovenia
Year 2008
Value $90 - $100
Slovenia 1 Tolar 10 years of Slovenian tolar 2006 Proof BANKA SLOVENIJE EN TOLAR 1 2006 coin obverse
Slovenia 1 Tolar 10 years of Slovenian tolar 2006 Proof SALMO TRUTTA FARIO 1 coin reverse
Silver 1 Tolar "10 years of Slovenian tolar" 2006
Country Slovenia
Year 2006
Value: $80
Slovenia 30 Euro Zoran Music 2009 Proof KM# 88 30 EURO 2009 SLOVENIJA coin obverse
Slovenia 30 Euro Zoran Music 2009 Proof KM# 88 ZORAN MUSIC 1909 2005 coin reverse
Silver 30 Euro "Zoran Music" 2009 KM# 88
Country Slovenia
Year 2009
Value $70 - $80
Slovenia 30 Euro Tolmin Peasant Revolt 2013 Proof KM# 113 30 EURO SLOVENIJA 2013 coin obverse
Slovenia 30 Euro Tolmin Peasant Revolt 2013 Proof KM# 113 1713 VELIKI TOLMINSKI PUNT coin reverse
Silver 30 Euro "Tolmin Peasant Revolt" 2013 KM# 113
Country Slovenia
Year 2013
Value: $75