Pedro, prince regent coins (Portugal)

Filtersresults: 19
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 19 coins
Portugal 10 Reis (X. 1/2 Vinten) Pedro Prince Regent 1683 KM# 131 PETRVS.D.G.P. PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (X. 1/2 Vinten) Pedro Prince Regent 1683 KM# 131 ANNO SEXTO.DECIMO REGIM.SVI. coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1683

Value$100 - $1K

Portugal 50 Reis (Pedro Prince Regent) PETRVS D G P PORTVGLI coin obverse
Portugal 50 Reis (Pedro Prince Regent) IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 50 Reis (1/2 Tostao)


Year 1677 - 1683

Portugal 40 Reis (Pedro Prince Regent) PETRVS D G P PORTVGA coin obverse
Portugal 40 Reis (Pedro Prince Regent) IN.HOC.SIGNO.VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 40 Reis (2 Vintens, Pataco)

Obverse XXXX without bracket


Year 1676 - 1683

Portugal 4000 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1678 KM# 117 PETRVS.II.D.G.PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 4000 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1678 KM# 117 INHO C SIGNO VINC ES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 4,000 Reis


Year 1677 - 1682

Value$1.2K - $10K

Portugal 2000 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1681 KM# 116 PETRVS·D·G·P·PORTVGALI 2000 coin obverse
Portugal 2000 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1681 KM# 116 IN·HOC·SIGNO·VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 2,000 Reis (1/2 Moeda)


Year 1677 - 1682

Value$650 - $7.7K

Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regen 1681 KM# 114.1 PETRVS · D · G · P · PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 400 Reis Pedro Prince Regen 1681 KM# 114.1 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 400 Reis (Cruzado. Pinto)


Year 1677 - 1681

Value$2K - $13.5K

Portugal 200 Reis (1/2 Cruzado) Pedro Prince Regent 1681 KM# 113 PETRVS.D.G.P.PORTVGALIÆ.ET AL 200 coin obverse
Portugal 200 Reis (1/2 Cruzado) Pedro Prince Regent 1681 KM# 113 IN*HOC*SIGNO*VINCES. coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 200 Reis (12 Vintens, 1/2 Cruzado)


Year 1677 - 1682

Value$150 - $6.38K

Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX. Tostao) (Pedro Prince Regent) KM# 112 PETRVS · D · G · P · PORTVGALIÆ coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis (LXXX. Tostao) (Pedro Prince Regent) KM# 112 IN · HOC · SIGNO · VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 80 Reis (4 Vintens. LXXX. Tostao)


Year 1663 - 1683

Value$35 - $3K

Portugal 80 Reis Pedro Prince Regent ND KM# 111 PETRVS · D · G · P · PORTVGALI coin obverse
Portugal 80 Reis Pedro Prince Regent ND KM# 111 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 80 Reis (4 Vintens. LXXX. Tostao)


Year 1667 - 1683

Value$28 - $285

Portugal 40 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1679 1 is not visible KM# 118 PETRVS·D·G.P·PORTVGA coin obverse
Portugal 40 Reis Pedro Prince Regent 1679 1 is not visible KM# 118 IN.HOC.SIGNO.VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 40 Reis (2 Vintens, Pataco)

Obverse Crown above XXXXXXXX in bracket


Year 1676 - 1679

Value$18 - $2.65K

Luxembourg 40 Francs (Grand Duchesse of Luxembourg) X# M8 GRANDE DUCHESSE DE LUXEMBOURG J M LEFEVRE coin obverse
Luxembourg 40 Francs (Grand Duchesse of Luxembourg) X# M8 S A R JOSEPHINE CHARLOTTE 1964 coin reverse
Gold 40 Francs "Grand Duchesse of Luxembourg" 1964 X# M8
Country Luxembourg
Year 1964
Value $666 - $675
Luxembourg 40 Francs (Jean Grand Duc) X# M7 JEAN GRAND DUC DE LUXEMBOURG coin obverse
Luxembourg 40 Francs (Jean Grand Duc) X# M7 1964 coin reverse
Gold 40 Francs "Jean Grand Duc" 1964 X# M7
Country Luxembourg
Year 1964
Value $666 - $675
Luxembourg 40 Francs (Prince Felix) X# M6 S A R FELIX PRINCE DELUXEMBOURG J N LEFEVRE coin obverse
Luxembourg 40 Francs (Prince Felix) X# M6 1964 coin reverse
Gold 40 Francs "Prince Felix" 1964 X# M6
Country Luxembourg
Year 1964
Value $666 - $675
Luxembourg 40 Francs X# M5 Standard Coinage S A R GHARLOTTE G DUCHESSE DE LOUXEMBOURG coin obverse
Luxembourg 40 Francs X# M5 Standard Coinage 1964 M J L coin reverse
Gold 40 Francs Standard Coinage 1964 X# M5
Country Luxembourg
Year 1964
Value $666 - $675
Luxembourg 40 Francs 25th Anniversary of Wedding (1978) Proof X# M13 JEAN ET JOSEPHINE - CHARLOTTE DE LUXEMBOURG NOCES D' ARGENT 1953-1978 coin obverse
Luxembourg 40 Francs 25th Anniversary of Wedding (1978) Proof X# M13 PALAIS GRAND- DUCAL coin reverse
Gold 40 Francs "25th Anniversary of Wedding" 1978 X# M13
Country Luxembourg
Year 1978
Value: $666