Russian 2 Roubles 2013 coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 8
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 8 coins
Russia Two Roubles Dargomyzhsky 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1419 ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Dargomyzhsky 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1419 1813- -1869 А.С. ДАРГОМЫЖСКИЙ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles Naturalist V.I. Vernadsky - the 150th Anniversary 2013 СПМД Proof Y# 1426 ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 СПМД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Naturalist V.I. Vernadsky - the 150th Anniversary 2013 СПМД Proof Y# 1426 ВЕРНАДСКИЙ 1863 1945 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles V.S. Chernomirdin 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1427 ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles V.S. Chernomirdin 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1427 ВС ЧЕРНОМЫРДИН 1938 2010 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles Pilot A. I. Pokryshkin 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1431 ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Pilot A. I. Pokryshkin 2013 ММД Proof Y# 1431 А.И. ПОКРЫШКИН 1913-1985 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles General Staff 2013 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 СПМД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles General Staff 2013 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ШТАБ ВООРУЖЕННЫХ СИЛ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ 250 ЛЕТ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles Smetanina (Ski-Racers) 2013 ММД Proof; Moscow Mint ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Smetanina (Ski-Racers) 2013 ММД Proof; Moscow Mint РАИСА СМЕТАНИНА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia Two Roubles Kulakova (Ski-Racers) 2013 ММД Proof; Moscow Mint ДВА РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2013 Г. ∙ 15,55 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia Two Roubles Kulakova (Ski-Racers) 2013 ММД Proof; Moscow Mint ГАЛИНА КУЛАКОВА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles


Year 2013


Russia 2 Roubles 2009 ММД Y# 834a Reform Coinage ДВА РУБЛЯ ММД БАНК РОССИИ *YEAR* coin obverse
Russia 2 Roubles 2009 ММД Y# 834a Reform Coinage 2 РУБЛЯ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 2 Roubles

MetalNickel plated Steel

Year 2009 - 2015

Value$0.5 - $1.5

Brazil 800 Reis Pedro II 1840 KM# 456 PETRUS. II. D. G. CONST. IMP. ET. PERP. BRAS. DEF. 800 1840 coin obverse
Brazil 800 Reis Pedro II 1840 KM# 456 IN HOC S. VINCES coin reverse
Silver 800 Reis "Pedro II" 1835 - 1846 KM# 456
Country Brazil
Year 1835 - 1846
Value $450 - $15K
Brazil 960 Reis Pedro II 1833 R KM# 385 PETRUS.II.D.G.CONST.IMP.ET.PERP.BRAS.DEF 960 1832 R coin obverse
Brazil 960 Reis Pedro II 1833 R KM# 385 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse
Silver 960 Reis "Pedro II" 1832 - 1834 KM# 385
Country Brazil
Year 1832 - 1834
Value $1K - $12K
Brazil 1200 Reis Pedro II 1846 KM# 454 PRETRUS. II. D. G. CONST. IMP. ET. PERP. BRAS. DEF. 1834 1200 coin obverse
Brazil 1200 Reis Pedro II 1846 KM# 454 IN HOC S. VINCES coin reverse
Silver 1200 Reis "Pedro II" 1834 - 1847 KM# 454
Country Brazil
Year 1834 - 1847
Value $75 - $11K
Brazil 320 Reis John VI 1818 M KM# 324.1 JOANNES. VI. D. G. PORT. BRAS.ET. ALG. REX. 320 1818 M coin obverse
Brazil 320 Reis John VI 1818 M KM# 324.1 SUBQ SIGN. NATA STAB. coin reverse
Silver 320 Reis "John VI" 1818 KM# 324.1
Country Brazil
Year 1818
Value $1.8K - $9.6K
Brazil 320 Reis Peter II 1696 KM# 82 PETRVS II D G PORT REX ET BRAS D 16 95 320 coin obverse
Brazil 320 Reis Peter II 1696 KM# 82 SVBQ SIGN. NATA STAB. coin reverse
Silver 320 Reis "Peter II" 1695 - 1698 KM# 82
Country Brazil
Year 1695 - 1698
Value $60 - $8.5K
Brazil 600 Reis Spanish Colonial Coin ND (1663) KM# 19.3 coin obverse
Brazil 600 Reis Spanish Colonial Coin ND (1663) KM# 19.3 600 coin reverse
Silver 600 Reis "Spanish Colonial Coin" 1663 KM# 19.3
Country Brazil
Year 1663
Value $2K - $8K