Russian 3 Roubles 2005 coins

Filtersresults: 11
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 11 coins
Russia 3 Roubles The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 2005 Proof Y# 893 1941 1945 coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 2005 Proof Y# 893 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$45 - $60

Russia 3 Roubles The Year of the Cock 2005 Proof Y# 892 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Year of the Cock 2005 Proof Y# 892 - coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$55 - $70

Russia 3 Roubles The Saint Nicholas Cathedral (XIIIth – XIXth centuries), the city of Kaliningrad 2005 Proof Y# 903 СВЯТО-НИКОЛЬСКИЙ СОБОР XIII - XIX ВВ. КАЛИНИНГРАД coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Saint Nicholas Cathedral (XIIIth – XIXth centuries), the city of Kaliningrad 2005 Proof Y# 903 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Underground Station «Kropotkinskaya», Moscow 2005 Proof Y# 904 СТАНЦИЯ МЕТРО "КРОПОТКИНСКАЯ" МОСКВА 1935 Г. coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Underground Station «Kropotkinskaya», Moscow 2005 Proof Y# 904 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$55 - $70

Russia 3 Roubles Track-and-Field Athletics World Championshipin Helsinki 2005 Proof Y# 906 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 СПМД ∙ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Track-and-Field Athletics World Championshipin Helsinki 2005 Proof Y# 906 ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ЛЕГКОЙ АТЛЕТИКЕ ХЕЛЬСИНКИ 2005 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$55 - $70

Russia 3 Roubles The Virgin Monastery of Raifa, Republic of Tatarstan 2005 Proof Y# 908 РАИФСКИЙ БОГОРОДИЦКИЙ МОНАСТЫРЬ ОСН. В XVII В. ТАТАРСТАН coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Virgin Monastery of Raifa, Republic of Tatarstan 2005 Proof Y# 908 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 СПМД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$45 - $60

Russia 3 Roubles The Millennium of Founding the City of Kazan 2005 Proof Y# 910 ТАТАРСКИЙ АКАДЕМИЧЕСКИЙ ТЕАТР ОПЕРЫ И БАЛЕТА ИМ. М. ДЖАЛИЛЯ coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Millennium of Founding the City of Kazan 2005 Proof Y# 910 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 СПМД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$55 - $70

Russia 3 Roubles The 625th Anniversary of the Battle on Kulikovo Field 2005 Proof Y# 923 625 ЛЕТИЕ КУЛИКОВСКОЙ БИТВИ coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The 625th Anniversary of the Battle on Kulikovo Field 2005 Proof Y# 923 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 СПМД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$55 - $70

Russia 3 Roubles 250th Anniversary of Founding the Lomonosov Moscow State University 2005 ММД Proof Y# 955 МОСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ М.В. ЛОМОНОСОВА ОСН. В 1755 Г coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles 250th Anniversary of Founding the Lomonosov Moscow State University 2005 ММД Proof Y# 955 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$45 - $60

Russia 3 Roubles The I.V. Russakov House of Culture, XXth century, Moscow 2005 Proof Y# 1038 ДОМ КУЛЬТУРЫ ИМЕНИ И.В. РУСАКОВА ХХ ВЕК Г. МОСКВА coin reverse
Russia 3 Roubles The I.V. Russakov House of Culture, XXth century, Moscow 2005 Proof Y# 1038 ТРИ РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ ∙ AG 925 ∙ 2005 Г. ∙ 31,1 ММД ∙ coin obverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2005

Value$50 - $65

Cook Islands Cent Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 1 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1972 coin obverse
Cook Islands Cent Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 1 1 JB coin reverse
Bronze Cent "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 1
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.25
Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1973 KM# 6.1 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1973 coin obverse
Cook Islands 50 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1973 KM# 6.1 50 JB FM coin reverse
Copper-Nickel 50 Cents "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 6.1
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $0.65 - $5
Cook Islands 2 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 2 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1972 coin obverse
Cook Islands 2 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 2 2 JB FM coin reverse
Bronze 2 Cents "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 2
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $0.1 - $1
Cook Islands Dollar Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 7 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1972 coin obverse
Cook Islands Dollar Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 7 $1 $1 JB coin reverse
Copper-Nickel Dollar "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 7
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $1 - $7.5
Cook Islands 5 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 3 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1974 coin obverse
Cook Islands 5 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1972 KM# 3 5 JB coin reverse
Copper-Nickel 5 Cents "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 3
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.25
Cook Islands 10 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1983 KM# 4 ELIZABETH II COOK ISLANDS 1983 coin obverse
Cook Islands 10 Cents Elizabeth II 2nd portrait 1983 KM# 4 10 JB FM coin reverse
Copper-Nickel 10 Cents "Elizabeth II 2nd portrait" 1972 - 1983 KM# 4
Country Cook Islands
Year 1972 - 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5