Russian Copper-Nickel 3 Roubles coins

Filtersresults: 30
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 30 coins
Russia 3 Roubles 1958 Never officially released for circulation. Majority of mintage remelted Y# B134 USSR Standard Coinage СОЮЗ СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛИК ★ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles 1958 Never officially released for circulation. Majority of mintage remelted Y# B134 USSR Standard Coinage 3 РУБЛЯ 1958 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1958


Russia 3 Roubles Armenian Earthquake 1989 Y# 234 СССР 3 РУБЛЯ 1989 coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Armenian Earthquake 1989 Y# 234 ЗОНА ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЯ∙МИЛОСЕРДИЯ∙СОЗИДАНИЯ АРМЕНИЯ 7.12.1988 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1989

Value$2 - $11.5

Russia 3 Roubles 70 Years October Revolution 1987 Y# 207 СССР 3 РУБЛЯ 1987 coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles 70 Years October Revolution 1987 Y# 207 СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ЛЕТ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОКТЯБРЬСКОЙ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКОЙ РЕВОЛЮЦИИ 1917 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1987

Value$8 - $10

Russia 3 Roubles WWII 50th Anniversary - Defense of Moscow 1991 Y# 301 СССР 3 РУБЛЯ 1991 coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles WWII 50th Anniversary - Defense of Moscow 1991 Y# 301 50 ЛЕТ РАЗГРОМА НЕМЕЦКО-ФАШИСТСКИХ ВОЙСК ПОД МОСКВОЙ 1941 1991 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1991

Value$2.5 - $7

Russia 3 Roubles Victory of the Democratic Forces of Russia 1992 М Proof Y# 317 БАНК РОССИИ 3 ММД РУБЛЯ 1992 coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Victory of the Democratic Forces of Russia 1992 М Proof Y# 317 19-21 АВГУСТА 1991Г. coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1992

Value$3.5 - $6.5

Russia 3 Roubles (International Space Year) Y# 297 БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 1992 ММД coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles (International Space Year) Y# 297 МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ГОД КОСМОСА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1992

Value$15 - $27

Russia 3 Roubles (Battle of Chudskoe Lake) Y# 298 БАНК РОССИИ 3 ЛМД РУБЛЯ 1992 coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles (Battle of Chudskoe Lake) Y# 298 750 ЛЕТ ПОБЕДЫ АЛЕКСАНДРА НЕВСКОГО НА ЧУДСКОМ ОЗЕРЕ 5 АПРЕЛЯ 1242 ГОДА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1992

Value$23 - $42

Russia 3 Roubles Kursk Bulge Victory 50th Ann 1993 Proof Y# 328 ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1993Г. ЛМД БАНК РОССИИ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Kursk Bulge Victory 50th Ann 1993 Proof Y# 328 50 ЛЕТ ПОБЕДЫ НА КУРСКОЙ ДУГЕ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1993

Value$5.5 - $12.5

Russia 3 Roubles (WWII: Liberation Of Kiev) Y# 340 ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1993Г. ММД БАНК РОССИИ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles (WWII: Liberation Of Kiev) Y# 340 50 ЛЕТ ОСВОБОЖДЕНИЯ КИЕВА ОТ ФАШИСТСКИХ ЗАХВАТЧИКОВ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1993

Value$3.5 - $20

Russia 3 Roubles WWII - Battle Of Leningrad 1994 ЛМД Proof Y# 341 ТРИ РУБЛЯ 1994Г. ЛМД БАНК РОССИИ coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles WWII - Battle Of Leningrad 1994 ЛМД Proof Y# 341 50-ЛЕТИЕ РАЗГРОМА НЕМЕЦКО-ФАШИСТСКИХ ВОЙСК ПОД ЛЕНИНГРАДОМ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 1994

Value$5.5 - $30

New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2017 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand Hundred and Fifty Dollars Taniwha 2017 Proof KOTAHI RAU E RIMA TEKAU TARA ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS coin reverse
5 Oz Gold Hundred and Fifty Dollars "Taniwha" 2017
Country New Zealand
Year 2017
Value: $12.3K
New Zealand $10 (Pukaki) KM# 275 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2004 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 (Pukaki) KM# 275 $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Pukaki" 2004 KM# 275
Country New Zealand
Year 2004
Value: $5K
New Zealand Ten Dollars Maori Art - Hei Matau 2012 (u) Proof KM# 353 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II coin obverse
New Zealand Ten Dollars Maori Art - Hei Matau 2012 (u) Proof KM# 353 HEI MATAU TEN DOLLARS TEKAU TARA coin reverse
Gold Ten Dollars "Maori Art - Hei Matau" 2012 KM# 353
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.95K
New Zealand $10 Bilbo Baggins 2012 Proof KM# 368 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II IRB 2012 coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Bilbo Baggins 2012 Proof KM# 368 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Bilbo Baggins" 2012 KM# 368
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.7K
New Zealand $10 Gandalf 2012 Proof KM# 369 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABEETH II 2012 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Gandalf 2012 Proof KM# 369 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Gandalf" 2012 KM# 369
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.5K
New Zealand $10 Thorin Oakenshield 2012 Proof KM# 370 NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2012 IRB coin obverse
New Zealand $10 Thorin Oakenshield 2012 Proof KM# 370 MIDDLE-EARTH - NEW ZEALAND $10 coin reverse
Gold $10 "Thorin Oakenshield" 2012 KM# 370
Country New Zealand
Year 2012
Value: $3.5K