2018 Russian 3 Roubles Silver coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 38
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 38 coins
Russia 3 Roubles Saint George the Victorious 2018 СПМД РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 999 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2016 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Saint George the Victorious 2018 СПМД  coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2015 - 2024

Value$35 - $40

Russia 3 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup 2018 СПМД St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 999 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles 2018 FIFA World Cup 2018 СПМД St. Petersburg Mint ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ФУТБОЛУ FIFA 2018 В РОССИИ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles The Bicentenary of the Birthday of I.S. Turgenev 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Bicentenary of the Birthday of I.S. Turgenev 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint ИВ. ТУРГЕНЕВ 1818 1883 coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles The Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Forwarding Agency of the State Paperstock 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles The Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Forwarding Agency of the State Paperstock 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint 200 ГОЗНАК coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles

MetalSilver (Partially Gilt)

Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles Moscow Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Moscow Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint НИЦ «КУРЧАТОВСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ» ОСН. в 1943 Г. coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles 350th Anniversary of Russian State Shipbuilding 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles 350th Anniversary of Russian State Shipbuilding 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint 350-ЛЕТИЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО СУДОСТРОЕНИЯ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles The State Museum of Oriental Art 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles The State Museum of Oriental Art 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МУЗЕЙ ВОСТОКА 100 ЛЕТ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles Guarding the Homeland 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Guarding the Homeland 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint НА СТРАЖЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles Guarding Homeland 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Guarding Homeland 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint НА СТРАЖЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВА coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Russia 3 Roubles Trinity Monastery, Saratov 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ AG 925 31,1 СПМД БАНК РОССИИ 3 РУБЛЯ 2018 Г. coin obverse
Russia 3 Roubles Trinity Monastery, Saratov 2018 СПМД Proof; St. Petersburg Mint ТРОИЦКИЙ СОБОР САРАТОВ coin reverse

Country Russia

Denomination 3 Roubles


Year 2018


Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ • KIBRIS CUMHURYETI 1963 1960 coin obverse
Cyprus Mil 1971 KM# 38 Republic 1 coin reverse
Mil Republic 1963 - 1972 KM# 38
Country Cyprus
Year 1963 - 1972
Value $1 - $2
Cyprus 5 Mils Small year 1981 KM# 50.1 KIBRIS 1981 CYPRUS ΚΥΠΡΟΣ coin obverse
Cyprus 5 Mils Small year 1981 KM# 50.1 5 coin reverse
5 Mils "Small year" 1981 KM# 50.1
Country Cyprus
Year 1981
Value $1 - $1.5
Cyprus 5 Mils Large year 1982 KM# 50.2 KIBRIS 1981 CYPRUS ΚΥΠΡΟΣ coin obverse
Cyprus 5 Mils Large year 1982 KM# 50.2 5 coin reverse
5 Mils "Large year" 1982 KM# 50.2
Country Cyprus
Year 1982
Value $1 - $2
Cyprus 1/2 Cent 1983 KM# 52 Reform Coinage CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠPΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS 1960 ∙ 1983 ∙ coin obverse
Cyprus 1/2 Cent 1983 KM# 52 Reform Coinage 1/2 coin reverse
1/2 Cent Reform Coinage 1983 KM# 52
Country Cyprus
Year 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 VICTORIA∙DEI∙GRA∙BRITT∙REG∙FID∙DEF∙IND∙IMP∙ coin obverse
Cyprus 3 Piastres Victoria 1901 KM# 4 CYPRUS 1901 3 PIASTRES coin reverse
Silver 3 Piastres "Victoria" 1901 KM# 4
Country Cyprus
Year 1901
Value $30 - $1.75K
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 CYPRUS ∙ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ∙ KIBRIS 1960 ∙ 1983 ∙ coin obverse
Cyprus Cent Type 1 coat of arms solid value number 1983 KM# 53.1 1 coin reverse
Cent "Type 1 coat of arms solid value number" 1983 KM# 53.1
Country Cyprus
Year 1983
Value $0.1 - $1.5