Dutch Silver Beatrix coins

Filtersresults: 166
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 166 coins
Netherlands 10 Guldens 50 Years of Be Ne Lux Treaty 1994 Proof. 25,000 pieces issued in sets only KM# 216 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Guldens 50 Years of Be Ne Lux Treaty 1994 Proof. 25,000 pieces issued in sets only KM# 216 BE NE LUX 1944-1994 10 G coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1994

Value$6.5 - $20

Netherlands 50 Guldens Golden Wedding Anniversary 1987 Prooflike KM# 209 KONINGIN DER NEDELANDEN BEATRIX coin obverse
Netherlands 50 Guldens Golden Wedding Anniversary 1987 Prooflike KM# 209 50 GULDEN JULIANA EN BERNHARD NEDERLAND 1987 50 JAAR coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 50 Guldens


Year 1987

Value$13.5 - $40

Netherlands 10 Guldens Jan Steen 1996 Proof KM# 223 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Guldens Jan Steen 1996 Proof KM# 223 WIJ SCREUWE ALS LEUWE JAN STEEN 10 G 19 96 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1996

Value$7 - $22

Netherlands 10 Gulden Beatrix Hugo de Groot 1995 Proof KM# 220 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Gulden Beatrix Hugo de Groot 1995 Proof KM# 220 DE IURE BELLI AC PACIS HUGO DE GROOT 1583-1645 1995 10 GULDEN coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1995

Value$7 - $22

Netherlands 10 Gulden Beatrix. New Millennium 1999 KM# 228 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 1999 10 GULDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Gulden Beatrix. New Millennium 1999 KM# 228 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN 2000 10 GULDEN coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1999

Value$7 - $22

Netherlands 50 Guldens Beatrix William of Orange 1984 Note: 145,000 pieces melted down KM# 208 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 50 Guldens Beatrix William of Orange 1984 Note: 145,000 pieces melted down KM# 208 GUITTE DE NASSAU 1984 PRINS WILLEM VAN ORANJE 50 G coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 50 Guldens


Year 1984

Value$13.5 - $40

Netherlands 5 Euro 150th birthday of Vincent van Gogh ND KM# 245 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 5 Euro 150th birthday of Vincent van Gogh ND KM# 245 35V8I1NCE3N0T20 VAN GOGH 5 € coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 5 Euro


Year 2003

Value$6 - $30

Netherlands 10 Euro Marriage of Willem Alexander and Maxima 2002 KM# 243 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Euro Marriage of Willem Alexander and Maxima 2002 KM# 243 TWEE TWEE TWEEDUIZENDTWEE MÁXIMA WILLEM-ALEXANDER TIEN EURO coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Euro


Year 2002

Value$9.25 - $55

Netherlands 10 Euro 25 years Reign of Queen Beatrix 2005 KM# 261 BEATRIX WIJ ZIJN KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Euro 25 years Reign of Queen Beatrix 2005 KM# 261 2005 SAMEN ÉÉN 10 EURO GK coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Euro


Year 2005

Value$9.25 - $40

Netherlands 10 Guldens 50th Anniversary of Marshall Plan 1997 55,000 pieces melted KM# 224 BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN coin obverse
Netherlands 10 Guldens 50th Anniversary of Marshall Plan 1997 55,000 pieces melted KM# 224 EUROPEAN RECOVERY PROGRAM 1947 10 G GEORGE C. MARSHALL 1997 coin reverse

Country Netherlands

Denomination 10 Guldens


Year 1997

Value$7 - $22

Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Decimal Coinage 1919 - 1924 KM# 23
Country Finland
Year 1919 - 1924
Value $0.25 - $4
Finland Penni Alexander II Large letters 1864 KM# 1.1 A II coin obverse
Finland Penni Alexander II Large letters 1864 KM# 1.1 1 PENNI 1866 coin reverse
Penni "Alexander II Large letters" 1864 - 1871 KM# 1.1
Country Finland
Year 1864 - 1871
Value $10 - $5.5K
Finland Penni Alexander II Small letters 1875 KM# 1.2 A II coin obverse
Finland Penni Alexander II Small letters 1875 KM# 1.2 1 PENNI DATE coin reverse
Penni "Alexander II Small letters" 1872 - 1876 KM# 1.2
Country Finland
Year 1872 - 1876
Value $7 - $300
Finland Penni Aleksandr III 1888 KM# 10 A III coin obverse
Finland Penni Aleksandr III 1888 KM# 10 1 PENNI DATE coin reverse
Penni "Aleksandr III" 1881 - 1894 KM# 10
Country Finland
Year 1881 - 1894
Value $0.75 - $300