Search results

Filtersresults: 20
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 20 coins
UK One Shilling (Victoria) KM# 734 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIAR REG F D coin obverse
UK One Shilling (Victoria) KM# 734 ONE SHILLING 115 1873 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)


Note With die number

Year 1838 - 1887

UK Sovereign Victoria 1842 KM# 736.1 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK Sovereign Victoria 1842 KM# 736.1 BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID: DEF: coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Sovereign


Year 1838 - 1872

Value$235 - $18K

UK 3 Pence Victoria 1887 KM# 730 VICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIAR: REGINA F:D: coin obverse
UK 3 Pence Victoria 1887 KM# 730 3 coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 3 Pence


Year 1838 - 1887

Value$2.5 - $1.4K

UK Six Pence Victoria 1838 KM# 733.1 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIAR : REG : F : D : coin obverse
UK Six Pence Victoria 1838 KM# 733.1 SIX PENCE coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 6 Pence (1/2 Shilling)


Year 1838 - 1866

Value$7 - $3K

UK Farthing Victoria 1853 WW designer's initials incuse KM# 725 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK Farthing Victoria 1853 WW designer's initials incuse KM# 725 BRITANNIAR. REX: FID: DEF: coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/4 Penny (1 Farthing)


Year 1838 - 1870

Value$2.5 - $12.5K

UK 1/2 Penny Victoria 1838 KM# 726 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK 1/2 Penny Victoria 1838 KM# 726 BRITANNIAR: REG: FID: DEF: coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Penny


Year 1838 - 1860

Value$1.25 - $12K

UK 1/2 Sovereign Victoria 1839 KM# 735.1 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK 1/2 Sovereign Victoria 1839 KM# 735.1 BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID: DEF coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1/2 Sovereign


Year 1838 - 1885

Value$125 - $11K

UK Penny Victoria 1848 KM# 739 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA coin obverse
UK Penny Victoria 1848 KM# 739 BRITANNIAR: REG: FID: DEF: coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Penny


Year 1841 - 1860

Value$2 - $6K

UK One Shilling Victoria 1844 KM# 734.1 VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIAR: REG: F: D: coin obverse
UK One Shilling Victoria 1844 KM# 734.1 ONE SHILLING coin reverse
Illustration of the specifics of the Silver One Shilling "Victoria" 1838 - 1863 KM# 734.1

Country Great Britain

Denomination 1 Shilling (1/2 Florin, 12 Pence)


Note Without die number

Year 1838 - 1863

Value$12 - $6.5K

UK One Florin (Two Shillings) KM# 746.1 VICTORIA D:G:BRITT: REG:F:D. *YEAR* coin obverse
UK One Florin (Two Shillings) KM# 746.1 ONE FLORIN ONE TENTH OF A POUND coin reverse

Country Great Britain

Denomination 2 Shillings (1 Florin)


Year 1851 - 1863

Value$21 - $25K

Australia 1 Dollar Kangaroos 2014 B Proof KM# 489 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA *YEAR* IRB coin obverse
Australia 1 Dollar Kangaroos 2014 B Proof KM# 489 1 DOLLAR coin reverse
1 Dollar "Kangaroos" 2000 - 2019 KM# 489
Country Australia
Year 2000 - 2019
Value $2 - $85
Australia One Dollar Coat of Arms 2008 KM# 1047 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2008 IRB coin obverse
Australia One Dollar Coat of Arms 2008 KM# 1047 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA COAT OF ARMS 1908-1912 ADVANCE AUSTRALIA ONE DOLLAR C coin reverse
One Dollar "Coat of Arms" 2008 KM# 1047
Country Australia
Year 2008
Value $3 - $6
Australia 1 Dollar Centenary of Scouting 2008 KM# 1039 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2008 IRB coin obverse
Australia 1 Dollar Centenary of Scouting 2008 KM# 1039 CENTENARY OF SCOUTING 1908 2008 SCOUTS AUSTRALIA 1 DOLLAR CG coin reverse
1 Dollar "Centenary of Scouting" 2008 KM# 1039
Country Australia
Year 2008
Value: $7
Australia 1 Dollar Lunar - Year of the Mouse 2008 P UNC ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2008 1 DOLLAR IRB coin obverse
Australia 1 Dollar Lunar - Year of the Mouse 2008 P UNC P coin reverse
1 Dollar "Lunar - Year of the Mouse" 2008
Country Australia
Year 2008
Value: $10
Australia 1 Dollar 150 Years of Australian Football 2008 P ELIZABETH II ∙ AUSTRALIA 2008 ∙ 1 DOLLAR ∙ coin obverse
Australia 1 Dollar 150 Years of Australian Football 2008 P AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL 1858-2008 AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL 150 YEARS P coin reverse
1 Dollar "150 Years of Australian Football" 2008
Country Australia
Year 2008
Value: $11
Australia 1 Dollar Green Turtle 2008 KM# 1176 ELIZABETH II AUSTRALIA 2008 1 DOLLAR IRB coin obverse
Australia 1 Dollar Green Turtle 2008 KM# 1176 GREEN TURTLE P DB coin reverse
1 Dollar "Green Turtle" 2008 KM# 1176
Country Australia
Year 2008
Value: $14