Lightest Portuguese coins

Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Filtersresults: 1536
Weight (g.)
Diameter (mm.)
Price (US Dollars)
Found 1536 coins
Portugal 10 Centavos 1969 KM# 594 Republic REPUBLICA PORTVGVESA 1969 coin obverse
Portugal 10 Centavos 1969 KM# 594 Republic 10 CENTAVOS M. NORTE coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Centavos


Year 1969 - 1979

Value$0.5 - $3.5K

Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Afonso VI ND KM# 66 ALPHONSVS VI DG X coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Afonso VI ND KM# 66 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1656 - 1683

Value$250 - $1.35K

Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Pedro Prince Regent 1663 KM# 98 PETRVS D G R PORTV .X. coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Pedro Prince Regent 1663 KM# 98 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1663

Value$325 - $1.98K

Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Afonso VI ND KM# 65 ALPHONSVS.VI.DG.REX coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) Afonso VI ND KM# 65 +PORTUGALIAE . AT . ALG coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1656 - 1683

Value$300 - $1.6K

Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) ND KM# 235 Kingdom Milled coinage coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) ND KM# 235 Kingdom Milled coinage coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)


Year 1706 - 1777

Value$15 - $125

Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) Joao V ND KM# 330 coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis (Vinten) Joao V ND KM# 330 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)

Reverse Cross with quatrefoil in anglesCross with quatrefoil in angles


Year 1799 - 1816

Value$7 - $135

Portugal 20 Reis Pedro Prince Regent ND KM# 100 PETRVS D G P PORTV+ X.X coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis Pedro Prince Regent ND KM# 100 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)


Year 1672

Value$25 - $150

Portugal 20 Reis (Pedro II) KM# 132 coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis (Pedro II) KM# 132 coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)


Year 1686

Value$48 - $360

Portugal 20 Reis Pedro II 1688 P KM# 133 coin obverse
Portugal 20 Reis Pedro II 1688 P KM# 133 P P P P coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 20 Reis (Vinten)

Reverse Cross with P in anglesCross with P in angles


Year 1688

Value$14 - $375

Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) (Joao IV) KM# 28 IOΛΝΝES IIII D G RE.P coin obverse
Portugal 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten) (Joao IV) KM# 28 IN.HOC.SIGNO.VINC coin reverse

Country Portugal

Denomination 10 Reis (1/2 Vinten)


Year 1640 - 1656

Value$500 - $2.64K

Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1976 KM# 44a Reform Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Reform Coinage 1969 - 1979 KM# 44a
Country Finland
Year 1969 - 1979
Value $0.2 - $2
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 5 Pennia 1982 KM# 45a Reform Coinage 5 PENNIÄ coin reverse
5 Pennia Reform Coinage 1977 - 1990 KM# 45a
Country Finland
Year 1977 - 1990
Value $0.15 - $1
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland Penni 1919 KM# 23 Decimal Coinage 1 PENNI coin reverse
Penni Decimal Coinage 1919 - 1924 KM# 23
Country Finland
Year 1919 - 1924
Value $0.25 - $4
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage SUOMEN TASAVALTA DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia 1989 M KM# 46a Reform Coinage 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
10 Pennia Reform Coinage 1983 - 1990 KM# 46a
Country Finland
Year 1983 - 1990
Value $0.1 - $1
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage DATE coin obverse
Finland 25 Pennia 1943 S KM# 25b Decimal Coinage 25 PENNIÄ coin reverse
25 Pennia Decimal Coinage 1943 - 1945 KM# 25b
Country Finland
Year 1943 - 1945
Value $0.15 - $12
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 DATE coin obverse
Finland 10 Pennia Hole center 1944 KM# 34.1 10 PENNIÄ coin reverse
10 Pennia "Hole center" 1943 - 1945 KM# 34.1
Country Finland
Year 1943 - 1945
Value $0.1 - $10